Tesco Mobile offers Rocket Pack bundles on Pay As You Go, starting from £7.50/month with no contract.

In the UK, Tesco Mobile offers Rocket Pack bundles on Pay As You Go, with prices starting from £7.50/month. You’ll get access to 4G coverage from O2 with no need to sign a contract or to undergo a credit check.

In this article, we’ll look at Tesco Mobile’s Pay As You Go service, including the Rocket Packs available and how much they’ll cost you. We’ll also look at the Triple Credit tariff from Tesco Mobile, before comparing their Rocket Pack bundles to rival networks like giffgaff and VOXI. Finally, we’ll look at the coverage on Tesco Mobile’s Pay As You Go service and how you can keep your current phone number when moving to the network.

Bundles & Pricing

On Tesco Mobile’s Pay As You Go service, there are two ways of paying for your usage:

  • You can buy a monthly Rocket Pack bundle to cover your usage. Tesco Mobile offers Rocket Pack bundles from £7.50 per month. If you’re a regular mobile user or smartphone user, you’ll normally find Rocket Packs to be the better value option. This is because you’ll get an allowance of minutes, texts and data included in your Rocket Pack.
  • You can use traditional Pay As You Go with Tesco Mobile’s Triple Credit offer. Rather than buying an all-inclusive bundle, you can use Tesco Mobile on a traditional Pay As You Go basis with no need to top-up every month. You’ll pay 25p/minute, 10p/text and 10p/MB. Tesco has a triple credit offer that triples your credit for one month whenever you top-up.

With both options, there’s no contract to sign and no credit checks to undergo.

Rocket Pack Bundles

For most people, the cheapest way to use Tesco Mobile on a Pay As You Go basis is by buying a one-month Rocket Pack bundle. Tesco’s Rocket Packs start from £7.50/month and give you an inclusive allowance of UK minutes, texts and data.

There’s currently a choice of five Rocket Packs, ranging from £7.50/month for 2GB of data to £20/month for 50GB of data.

Network Data Monthly Cost
Tesco Mobile
  • O2 coverage
  • 500 mins
  • 5,000 texts
per month
No contract
See deal  
Tesco Mobile
  • O2 coverage
  • 5,000 mins
  • 5,000 texts
per month
No contract
See deal  
Tesco Mobile
  • O2 coverage
  • 5,000 mins
  • 5,000 texts
per month
No contract
See deal  
Tesco Mobile
  • O2 coverage
  • 5,000 mins
  • 5,000 texts
per month
No contract
See deal  
Tesco Mobile
  • O2 coverage
  • 5,000 mins
  • 5,000 texts
per month
No contract
See deal  
Tesco Mobile
  • O2 coverage
  • 5,000 mins
  • 5,000 texts
per month
No contract
See deal  

;-)When your one-month Rocket Pack bundle comes to an end, any unused allowances will automatically expire. You’ll then need to buy a fresh Rocket Pack to get a new set of allowances. For convenience, there’s an option to set up automatic payments on your account which can make it a hassle-free experience to buy a Rocket Pack every month.

Tesco Mobile’s Rocket Pack bundles can often be beaten by what is available on other networks. For instance, giffgaff also offers Pay As You Go plans with no contract and no credit check:

Network Data Monthly Cost
  • O2 coverage
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
per month
No contract
See deal  

Order giffgaff SIM card (Free) →

On giffgaff, you’ll get the same coverage you would on Tesco Mobile as both mobile networks use coverage from O2.

Pay As You Go Pricing

If you either don’t have a Rocket Pack on your Tesco Mobile account or if you’ve already used up your Rocket Pack allowances, you’ll pay Tesco Mobile’s standard Pay As You Go rates for using your mobile phone.

On Tesco Mobile, phone calls will cost 25p/minute. Text messages will cost 10p each and using mobile data will cost 10p/MB (equivalent to £100 per gigabyte). For this reason, if you’re a heavy user, charges can add up very quickly on standard Pay As You Go. If you regularly use your mobile phone, it may therefore be cheaper getting a Pay As You Go bundle instead.

Calling Rates:
Voice Calls 25p/minute (any network, any time)
Calls to Voicemail 15p/minute
Calls to Special Rate Numbers 25p/minute access charge
+ service charge from the company you’re calling
Messaging Rates:
Text Message (SMS) 10p
Picture Message (MMS) 25p
Internet Rates:
Mobile Data 10p/MB

In general, Tesco Mobile’s Pay As You Go rates are fairly expensive compared to other networks. 1pMobile has much lower Pay As You Go rates, at 1p/minute, 1p/text and 1p/MB (coverage from the EE network).

For more information, see our full comparison of Pay As You Go rates in the UK.

Triple Credit Plan

If you don’t want to top-up every month and to buy a Rocket Pack for your usage, Tesco Mobile has a triple credit offer. If you’re on their traditional Pay As You Go service without a Rocket Pack bundle, you can receive bonus credit as follows:

  • When you top-up with £10 of credit, you’ll get £20 of bonus free credit that lasts for one month (making a total of £30 credit).
  • When you top-up with £15 of credit, you’ll get £30 of bonus free credit that lasts for one month (making a total of £45 credit).
  • When you top-up with £20 of credit, you’ll get £40 of bonus free credit that lasts for one month (making a total of £60 credit).

The bonus free credit can only be used for standard-rate calling, texting and browsing inside the UK. It isn’t possible to use your bonus credit for other things like buying a bundle, premium-rate calling, international calling or roaming outside of Europe. Your bonus credit is always used before your normal credit and expires one month after the date of your top-up.

Bonus Bundles on Triple Credit

In addition to the triple credit offer, you can also benefit from a free bonus bundle when you top-up by £10 or £15 in one go:

  • When you top-up with £10 of credit in one go, you can choose from 50 texts, 75 minutes or 250MB of data.
  • When you top-up with £15 of credit in one go, you can choose from 5000 texts, 200 minutes or 1GB of data.

There’s more information about this on the Tesco Mobile website.

Comparison to Alternatives

£7.50 per month bundles

On Tesco Mobile, you’ll currently pay £7.50 for a Rocket Pack with 500 minutes, 5000 texts and 2GB of data.

As an alternative to this, consider ASDA Mobile’s £7 bundle which gives you unlimited minutes, unlimited texts and 3GB of data. This is 50% more data than you’d get on Tesco Mobile and with a cost saving of 50p per month. You can also consider giffgaff’s £8 goodybag which comes with unlimited minutes, unlimited texts and 2GB of data.

Network Data Monthly Cost
ASDA Mobile
  • Vodafone coverage
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
per month
No contract
See deal  
Tesco Mobile
  • O2 coverage
  • 500 mins
  • 5,000 texts
per month
No contract
See deal  
ASDA Mobile
  • Vodafone coverage
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
per month
No contract
See deal  
  • Vodafone coverage
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
per month
No contract
See deal  
  • O2 coverage
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
per month
No contract
See deal  
  • O2 coverage
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
per month
No contract
See deal  

£10 per month bundles

Tesco Mobile’s £10 Rocket Pack bundle comes with 5000 minutes, 5000 texts and 10GB of data.

The following table shows some alternatives to this. For instance, you can get unlimited minutes, unlimited texts and 20GB of data for £10/month on giffgaff. Like Tesco Mobile, giffgaff also uses coverage from O2.

Alternatively, VOXI currently offers 60GB of data and endless social media data for £10/month. The coverage on VOXI is provided by the Vodafone network.

Network Data Monthly Cost
  • Vodafone coverage
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
per month
No contract
See deal  
  • O2 coverage
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
per month
No contract
See deal  
ASDA Mobile
  • Vodafone coverage
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
per month
No contract
See deal  
  • O2 coverage
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
per month
No contract
See deal  
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
per month
No contract
See deal  
Tesco Mobile
  • O2 coverage
  • 5,000 mins
  • 5,000 texts
per month
No contract
See deal  
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
25Mbps max speed
per month
No contract
See deal  
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
per month
No contract
See deal  
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
per month
No contract
See deal  

£15 per month bundles

Tesco Mobile’s £15 Rocket Pack bundle includes 5000 minutes, 5000 texts and 25GB of data.

This compares as follows to other mobile networks:

Network Data Monthly Cost
  • O2 coverage
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
per month
No contract
See deal  
  • Vodafone coverage
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
per month
No contract
See deal  
  • O2 coverage
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
per month
No contract
See deal  
  • Unlimited UK mins
  • Unlimited UK texts
  • 100 intl mins
per month
No contract
See deal  
ASDA Mobile
  • Vodafone coverage
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
per month
No contract
See deal  
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
25Mbps max speed
per month
No contract
See deal  
  • Unlimited UK mins
  • Unlimited UK texts
  • 50 intl mins
per month
No contract
See deal  
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
per month
No contract
See deal  
Tesco Mobile
  • O2 coverage
  • 5,000 mins
  • 5,000 texts
per month
No contract
See deal  

£20 per month bundles

On Tesco Mobile, the £20 Rocket Pack bundle comes with 5000 minutes, 5000 texts and 50GB of data.

For a better value alternative, we’d recommend giffgaff’s £20 goodybag. This gives you unlimited minutes, unlimited texts and 80GB of data (this is 60% more data than you’d get on Tesco Mobile).

Network Data Monthly Cost
  • Vodafone coverage
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts

Offer ends 3rd Apr

per month
No contract
See deal  
  • O2 coverage
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
per month
No contract
See deal  
  • O2 coverage
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
per month
No contract
See deal  
ASDA Mobile
  • Vodafone coverage
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
per month
No contract
See deal  
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
25Mbps max speed
per month
No contract
See deal  
  • Unlimited UK mins
  • Unlimited UK texts
  • 100 intl mins
per month
No contract
See deal  
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
per month
No contract
See deal  
Tesco Mobile
  • O2 coverage
  • 5,000 mins
  • 5,000 texts
per month
No contract
See deal  
  • Unlimited UK mins
  • Unlimited UK texts
  • 50 intl mins
per month
No contract
See deal  

For more information, see our in-depth comparison of Pay As You Go bundles in the UK.

Network & Coverage

2G, 3G & 4G Coverage From O2

Tesco Mobile uses O2 as its network coverage provider. As such, customers using the Tesco Mobile service will receive 99% population coverage on O2’s 2G, 3G and 4G networks in the UK.

Before you sign up to the Tesco Mobile network, it’s important to double-check the coverage in your area. You can do this by entering your postcode on the Tesco Mobile coverage map:

Check Tesco Mobile Coverage (tescomobile.com) →

For more information, see our full review of the coverage on O2. You can also read our guide to mobile networks using coverage from O2.

5G Coverage

5G coverage isn’t currently available to customers using Tesco Mobile’s Pay As You Go service. This includes both the Rocket Pack and Triple Credit plans, both of which are limited to 4G speeds as a maximum.

If you’d like to access 5G on Tesco Mobile, you’ll need to choose a Pay Monthly contract from Tesco.

For more information, see our guide to 5G SIM-only deals and 5G mobile coverage in the UK.

Tethering & Personal Hotspot

Tethering or personal hotspot refers to the process of sharing your smartphone’s internet connection with another device (e.g. with your laptop or tablet). It’s often used as a convenient way to get access to mobile broadband on other devices.

On Tesco Mobile’s Pay As You Go service, you can tether or use personal hotspot without any restrictions. This means you can share your inclusive data allowance with other devices.

International Roaming

If you’re travelling abroad to another country, you can use your Tesco Mobile Pay As You Go SIM card through Tesco’s international roaming service.

If you’re travelling to one of 48 European Home From Home destinations, you’ll be able to use your Rocket Pack allowances at no extra cost. Alternatively, you’ll pay the same Pay As You Go rates as you normally would inside the UK. The Triple Credit offer is also valid for usage in Europe.

If you’re travelling to a country outside Europe, additional roaming rates will apply for this. This is often prohibitively expensive (e.g. £5/MB in the USA) so remember to double-check the roaming costs before you depart.

Keeping Your Phone Number

If you’re changing from another mobile network to Tesco Mobile’s Pay As You Go service, it’s a straightforward process keeping your current phone number.

Start by asking your current mobile network to give you a PAC Code. You can get a PAC through your mobile network’s website or app, or by texting PAC to 65075.

Once you have a PAC Code from your old network, you can order your new Pay As You Go phone or SIM card from Tesco’s website. To start with, you’ll be assigned a temporary phone number by Tesco Mobile which you can use to try out the service. If you’re happy to continue, follow the instructions on Tesco’s website and text PORT to 23424. This will start the process of moving your phone number to Tesco Mobile.

For a step-by-step guide on moving your phone number to Tesco Mobile, please select your current mobile network from the drop-down menu below:

PAC Code Finder: Transfer Your Phone Number to Tesco Mobile

Select your current mobile network:

  More Options

It isn’t possible to transfer Pay As You Go credit from your old mobile network to Tesco Mobile. You should therefore try to use it up before moving your phone number over.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Pay As You Go bundles are available on Tesco Mobile?
On Tesco Mobile, you’re currently able to choose from the following Pay As You Go bundles:
  • £7.50 Rocket Pack: 500 minutes, 5000 texts and 2GB data.
  • £10 Rocket Pack: 5000 minutes, 5000 texts and 10GB data.
  • £12 Rocket Pack: 5000 minutes, 5000 texts and 15GB data.
  • £15 Rocket Pack: 5000 minutes, 5000 texts and 25GB data.
  • £20 Rocket Pack: 5000 minutes, 5000 texts and 50GB data.

All of your Rocket Pack allowances last for one month and any unused allowances cannot be rolled over into the following month.

How do Tesco Mobile’s Rocket Packs compare?
While Rocket Packs offer reasonable value, they can be beaten by Pay As You Go bundles on other networks. For instance, giffgaff offers unlimited minutes, unlimited texts and 10GB of 5G data for £10/month on their £10 golden goodybag. Alternatively, VOXI (which uses coverage from Vodafone) offers 60GB of data and endless social media data for £10/month.
Can I use Tesco Mobile without topping up every month?
Yes. You can use Tesco Mobile on a traditional Pay As You Go basis at 25p/minute, 10p/text and 10p/MB. You can benefit from the triple credit offer when you use Tesco Mobile on traditional Pay As You Go. This gives you £20 of free bonus credit that lasts for one month, when you top-up your phone by £10.
What are the Pay As You Go rates on Tesco Mobile?
On Tesco Mobile, the standard Pay As You Go rates are 25p/minute, 10p/text and 10p/MB for mobile data. This is significantly more expensive than other networks. For instance, 1pMobile charges just 1p/minute, 1p/text and 1p/MB (coverage from the EE network). Alternatively, ASDA Mobile charges 4p/minute, 4p/text and 4p/MB (coverage from Vodafone).
What coverage will I get on Tesco Mobile?
Tesco Mobile offers 99% population coverage on O2’s 2G, 3G and 4G networks in the UK. You can therefore get a Tesco Mobile signal in the same places you can get a signal from O2. You can use Tesco Mobile’s online coverage map to check availability in your area.

Unfortunately, 5G coverage is not currently available to Tesco Mobile Pay As You Go customers. Instead, you’ll need to choose one of Tesco Mobile’s 5G-ready Pay Monthly SIM cards.

Can I keep my current phone number?
Yes. Simply ask your current mobile network to provide you with a PAC Code. You can get one through your mobile network’s website or app. Once you’ve done that, you can provide the PAC Code to Tesco Mobile following the instructions on their website.

More Information

For more information about Tesco Mobile’s Pay As You Go service, please see their official website.

Your Comments 37 so far

We'd love to hear your thoughts and any questions you may have. So far, we've received 37 comments from readers. You can add your own comment here.


    I seem to be getting a reduced amount each time I check my tesco payg balance by about 20pence per day. I changed an old phone to a new Alcatel one on Wednesday.
    I don’t have an any rocket deals in place

    • Hi Robert,
      Thanks for your comment. It sounds like the “mobile data” option might be switched on on your phone. This means if your handset has gone out of the range of Wi-Fi, it will connect to 3G or 4G and this will cost you 10p/MB. You can switch off mobile data within the Settings menu on your phone, which will stop your phone from connecting to 3G or 4G data.
      Hope this helps,

  • Kathy OHea said:

    I’m on my UK contract with Tesco, but I’m in southern Ireland and need bundles from Tesco. How do I do this as the phone numbers I’m calling from aren’t being answered.

    • Hi Kathy,
      Thanks for your comment. Are you trying to buy a Rocket Pack bundle? If so, it should be possible to buy one by texting the relevant shortcode to 28949.

  • John Bratchell-Hunt said:

    Today I bought a Tesco mobile sim with a £10 Rocket Pack not realising that, in fact, the Rocket Pack is a form of contract as you are required to top up monthly or loose service. All I wanted was some credit on a phone to act as a backup, credit that I could top up as and when needed. The package containing the sim clearly stated “no-contract sim”. I think this is miss representation and should be investigated. Not happy Tesco and will be ditching the sim card.

    • Hi John,
      Sorry to hear about the confusion with Rocket Packs. I’d consider giving Tesco Mobile Customer Services a call. First of all, they should be able to switch you to either their Lite plan (8p/minute & 4p/text) or their Triple Credit plan (25p/minute & 10p/text). On both of those plans, there’s no need to top-up every month and you simply need to pay for what you actually use. On the second part, it might be worth putting in a complaint with them (and letting them know about the confusion) – they might be able to cancel the Rocket Pack and to refund the credit to you.
      Hope this helps,

    • Hi John,
      You shouldn’t lose service at the end of the thirty days. I just started up with the same deal in January too. My first 30 days runs out tomorrow. When it does I expect to still have incoming service and voicemail, until I choose to add some credit to buy another Rocket pack at a later date.
      As long as I do that within at least 90 days , maybe longer, I expect the service to continue.

      Tesco’s Customer Service are always very helpful. Give them a ring and ask them to run through your options on renewing or not with you again.

  • lucy dollochin said:

    I have loaded my top up with £10 so that the rocket pack can renew . The £10 has disappeared
    please can you help

    • Hi Lucy,
      Thanks for your comment. Unfortunately, it’s difficult for me to help out as I don’t work for Tesco and I can’t see the history on your account! However, this is something that Tesco Mobile should be able to investigate for you – you can contact them via live web chat by calling 4445 on your Tesco Mobile phone.

  • the whole rocket pack is a rip off why do you loose your credit if you do not use your phone all the while, we bought a tesco mobile with £10 top up free registered it and that was it as the phone is used for emergencies but had a shock a month later to find out there was no credit as we had been put on the rocket pack ,, the whole thing is a con to make tesco more money ,,,and now it has happened again ,, so that is £20 to Tesco and 50p used,

  • christopher Wright said:

    I had a traditional pay as you go Tesco Nokia phone.(long term user).
    I have recently been persuaded to upgrade to a modern mobile by my children.
    I bought a Tesco moto e4 with a new sim card.
    I put £10 on the phone.
    Then when I went to use it (I only use mobiles on an occasional basis) I found all my credit gone.
    I asked my son what had happened .
    He thought I had apps playing in the background (which I knew nothing about) that were using up my credit, so with his help we have turned those off.

    I then topped up again and I rang into Tesco mobile to check my balance to see if I had stopped the drainage of my credit.
    It said I was on some Rocket policy,which I again didn’t understand.
    I thought I was on the old standard pack, but no, the new package apparently only lasts a month and all credit is wiped off at the end of the month. So not happy.

    I did go into Tesco (Exeter Extra) and tried to speak to the mobile rep,but he was more interested in a previous customer who he had called the manager to, as he thought there was a fraud going on.

    So I had a very bad customer experience, and felt treated like an old fool and fobbed of.
    The previous promise from the rep from whom I had bought my new phone, was that I could move my old contacts from my Nokia to the moto.I was told all I had to do was bring the two phones into Tesco.
    Not possible I was told by the second rep.
    I am not sure if that meant not possible or I can’t be bothered!
    So watch out if you upgrade.

    And yes Tesco, you can refund me my lost credit if you want to make me happier and put me back on a proper pay as you go, not rob as you like CON-tract.

    • Hi Christopher,
      I’m really sorry to hear about the negative experiences you’ve had on Tesco Mobile. Obviously, as I have nothing to do with them, I’m unable to answer on their behalf about what has gone wrong. However, I can offer two pieces of advice which I hope can be helpful in some way:
      1. You can change your Tesco Mobile tariff by dialling 282. You can switch to either the Triple Credit or Lite tariff, which may prove to be much more suitable for your usage. Alternatively, you can also take a look at my guide to the best Pay As You Go SIM cards for light usage.
      2. It’s worth making a formal complaint directly to Tesco Mobile if you’re not happy about the service they or their staff have provided. You can do this by calling them on 4455.

    • Hi Muhammad,
      Thanks for your comment. This is probably something I’d recommended taking up directly with the Tesco Mobile team. You can reach them by calling 4455 on your Tesco Mobile handset.

  • How come Vodaphone roll over data each month and also give you loyalty points, what benefit/s is/are there to join Tesco, to me it looks like the worst bundle to choose. I will be changing as soon as my remaining credit runs out.

    • Have you ever tried getting Vodafone’s Customer Service to sort a problem for you? That may be why they need to offer other things to attract and keep customers. I left them years ago and would never go back even if they were offering free, unlimited everything .

  • I purchased a £10 rocket pack on 18th January, which was supposed to be £5 for use in January and £5 to renew on 18th February. Why is it I have now had a text to say you could not renew the ‘rocket pack’ on 18th February and I would have to pay full charges. I purchased this pack from you as I am a very light user of my phone and was assured this was the best tariff on the market for me. What has gone wrong OR is this just yet another Tesco con.

    • Hi Chris,
      Thanks for your comment. Based on your message, I wasn’t quite clear on which Rocket Pack you’d bought from Tesco Mobile. Assuming it was the £10 Rocket Pack, this would be £10 for a 30-day period (the cost & allowances are not split up on a month-by-month basis). Upon the expiry of your bundle, it will cost another £10 to renew for 30 days.

    • The rocket pack was £10, £5 for January and £5 for February. I have been to tesco this morning and they admitted it was a fault on their part and have now put the outstanding amount onto my phone. I shall use this for the next month and then shall be changing to another companies tariff as I really can’t have the hastle of having to go your store every month just to get the service I have paid in advance for.

      • Hi cris just to make it clear.you said you toped up £10 and you bought a £10 rocket pack it does not split it in to two month’s that €10 would of been for 1 month .what you should of done is topped up £10 and got the £5 rocket pack then you would of had £5 credit for the next month then bought the £5 for the next month it was not tesco folt

  • Jeananne Evans said:

    Have just received new Microsoft mobile on monthly contract from Tesco, how do I keep my old Motorola phone number which was on Tesco pay as you go? I don’t need a PAC number it says but no other info’ Sorry I am a bit of a technophobe!

    • Hi Jeananne,
      Yes – you can keep your current phone number and there’s no need to get yourself a PAC Code. To do this, you just need to call Tesco Mobile Customer Services on 4445. They’ll handle the transfer for you. More information here in case it’s of interest.
      Hope this helps,

  • Hi Ken,

    If you buy a new rocket pack sim from Tesco and you do a first top-up with at least £10, then Tesco will give you a £10 gift card until 04/09/16. The first top-up is automatically converted to a rocket pack, so basically you can have 500 minutes, 5000 texts and 500 Mb for free! The terms and conditions for the gift card offer are here: http://www.tescomobile.com/about-us/terms-and-conditions/general/promotional-terms-conditions#sectionS) . The rocket pack sim is normally £0.99 in the store but if you top up with £10 it is free.

    This summer Tesco is also offering free European roaming (until 03/09/16) in 31 countries so you effectively get 500 minutes to phone the UK from Europe and 500 Mb to use abroad for free! For more information see here: https://shop.tescomobile.com/homefromhome.


  • Hi ken thank you for such an informative site x im looking for pay as you go my tesco mobile app to install on my mob. When i try to install it either puts me on tescos Ireland…..or tells me i cant instal because im not a pay monthly customer!!!?? Any suggestions plz Ken as id like to see if i can upgrade my mob(Samsung Galaxy 3) on a monthly plan . Much appreciated x

  • chris miller said:

    Hi Ken,
    Many thanks for your prompt reply to my original query.
    I now have another one.
    I worked in the Republic of Ireland for a number of years,and i ended up using the 3 Ireland network,which only covers the Republic and not Northern Ireland.The phone is nothing special,i just lked using it,and would be interested to find out if i can unlock it and use it in the UK.
    The phone is a SONY ERICCSON J108i CEDAR.
    I have tried to contact 3 Ireland,but to no avail.they were not interested in helping me at all.
    Any suggestions ? I have thought of having a day out in Dublin,taking the phone with me,buying some credit,and then seeing if i can receive a PAC code,whilst i am in Ireland.


  • Jonny Terry said:


    Hoping you know more than Tesco tech support. I’m on the PAYG Lite tarrif with an old tech Nokia Asha 201, which doesn’t have 3G but in principle should allow access to email via an email client (built-in). I can access the internet, which I don’t need, but haven’t been able to get either the email or social media clients to work (just get a communication error message), despite trying all the settings I can find online. I had read that this may be because Tesco only offers WAP access. Can you comment on this?


    • Hi Jonny,
      Thanks for your comment. I’m afraid I don’t know the Asha 201 in very much detail. I did come across this page on Tesco’s website – I assume you’ve already tried following the instructions there? According to the guide, e-mail should be supported so I’m not sure why it doesn’t work on your handset.

  • Hussein Mohamed said:

    Would you please update me if you are offering unlimit internet service (eat data as u go) and how much will be cost in both type pay as you go or contract

    • Hi Hussein,
      Thanks for your comment. Unfortunately, Tesco Mobile doesn’t have any tariffs with unlimited internet. The only networks with unlimited internet are giffgaff (£20/month for unlimited 3G), Three (from £17/month for unlimited 4G) and TalkTalk (£12/month for unlimited 3G, only available to TalkTalk broadband customers).

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