How you cancel your Sky service depends on whether you're moving to another provider. Find out about the cancellation process and about any exit fees that might apply.
If you’d like to cancel your Sky Broadband service, there are several ways to do this. It depends on whether you’re changing to a different broadband provider, whether you’re moving to another address or whether you’re cancelling for an entirely different reason (e.g. because you’re getting poor download speeds from Sky).
In this article, we’ll explain how you can cancel your Sky Broadband service and any exit fees that might apply when you end your Sky service. We’ll also look at some alternatives to cancelling such as improving your wi-fi network coverage and speeds or adding an extra line from a different provider.
How To Cancel Your Sky Broadband Service
The way you cancel your Sky service depends on which of the following situations you’re in:
- I’m changing to another broadband provider
You can use the broadband switching process if you’re changing to another provider that uses the Openreach network. - I’m moving to a different address
You can use Sky’s home move process to take your Sky Broadband service to another address. - I’m cancelling Sky Broadband for another reason
You’ll need to use Sky’s standard cancellation process which involves giving them a call.
If you have a Sky TV subscription, you’ll need to contact Sky to cancel these services. A different cancellation process applies for cancelling your Sky Mobile service.
Changing Broadband Provider
If you’re changing to another broadband provider, it will sometimes be possible to switch without contacting Sky. You can do this if your new broadband provider also uses the Openreach network to deliver broadband into your home.
If you’re moving to Virgin Media, Three Broadband or a full fibre broadband service that uses its own network, you’ll need to contact Sky to end your broadband service. Alternatively, you can keep Sky running alongside your new broadband provider to avoid paying an early exit fee to them for cancelling your service.
Please select your new broadband provider from the dropdown menu below for step-by-step instructions on how to switch:
Switch from Sky to a new broadband provider
The following table shows whether you can use the broadband switching process that doesn't involve speaking to Sky:
Your new ISP | Can you switch without speaking to Sky? |
Moving from Sky to BT Broadband | ✔ Simply order your new plan from the BT website |
Moving from Sky to Community Fibre | ✘ You’ll need to contact Sky to end your old broadband plan (or keep Sky running alongside Community Fibre as an additional service) |
Moving from Sky to EE Broadband | ✔ Simply order your new plan from the EE website |
Moving from Sky to Hyperoptic | ✘ You’ll need to contact Sky to end your old broadband plan (or keep Sky running alongside Hyperoptic as an additional service) |
Moving from Sky to John Lewis Broadband | ✔ Simply order your new plan from the John Lewis website |
Moving from Sky to NOW Broadband | ✔ Simply order your new plan from the NOW website |
Moving from Sky to Plusnet | ✔ Simply order your new plan from the Plusnet website |
Moving from Sky to Shell Energy Broadband | ✔ Simply order your new plan from the Shell Energy website |
Moving from Sky to TalkTalk | ✔ Simply order your new plan from the TalkTalk website |
Moving from Sky to Three Broadband | ✘ You’ll need to contact Sky to end your old broadband plan (or keep Sky running alongside Three as an additional service) |
Moving from Sky to Virgin Media | ✘ You’ll need to contact Sky to end your old broadband plan (or keep Sky running alongside Virgin Media as an additional service) |
Moving from Sky to Vodafone | ✔ Simply order your new plan from the Vodafone website |
If you have a Sky TV subscription, you’ll need to contact Sky to cancel these services. A different cancellation process applies for cancelling your Sky Mobile service.
Moving Home
If you’re moving home, it might be possible to transfer your broadband package through Sky’s home move service. They’ll set up a broadband service for you at your new address and your existing contract will be moved over. If your new home is within the same telephone exchange area, it may also be possible to keep your landline phone number.
Please note that the services and download speeds available at your new address may be different to those at your current address. You should be told about this before you transfer your service over.
Other Reasons
If you’re cancelling your broadband service for any other reason, you’ll need to contact Sky to cancel your service. You’ll need to pay an early termination charge if you’re still within the minimum term of your contract with Sky.
Early Exit Fees on Sky
If you’d like to cancel your Sky Broadband or Sky TV contract before the end of the minimum term (usually 12 months or 18 months long), you’ll need to pay an early termination charge for this.
The following table shows the early termination charge for Sky Broadband contracts that include line rental within the price:
Sky Broadband Plan | Early Termination Charge |
Sky Broadband Essential | £13.91 per remaining month |
Sky Fibre Unlimited Pro (where taken after 15 May 2019) | £22.49 per remaining month |
Sky Broadband Superfast | £12.41 per remaining month |
Sky Broadband Ultrafast 1 | £24.23 per remaining month |
Sky Broadband Boost | £3.14 per remaining month |
Any discounts you have on your plan will be taken into account when calculating the early termination charge. The final amount will then be rounded up to the nearest 25p. The following worked example is given on Sky’s website:
You have Sky Broadband Essential for £27.00 a month, and the Sky Broadband Boost Product for £5.00 per month with four months remaining on your contract and a £5.00 discount on Sky Broadband Essential.
For Sky Broadband Essential (£27.00) we’ll deduct VAT, business costs and accelerated receipt discount, leaving £13.91. We’ll then deduct the £5 discount for Sky Broadband Essential, giving a £8.91 monthly ETC rate, then multiply this by four (your remaining months) and round up to the nearest 25p, totalling £35.75.
For Sky Broadband Boost (£5.00) we‘ll deduct VAT, business costs and accelerated receipt discount, leaving £3.14. Again, we’ll multiply this by four (your remaining months) and round up to the nearest 25p, totalling £12.75.
Your total payable ETC would be £48.50.
If you’re also cancelling your Sky TV contract, the early termination charge will be calculated as follows:
TV Plan | Early Termination Charge |
Sky TV Package | £16.36 per remaining month |
Multiscreen (taken before 4 March 2020) | £10.53 per remaining month |
Multiscreen (taken after4 March 2020) | £11.67 per remaining month |
Sky Q Multiscreen | £11.88 per remaining month |
Sky Q Bundle | £31.16 per remaining month |
Sky Q Silver Bundle (Including Sky Q Bundle) | £42.04 per remaining month |
Sky Q Silver Bundle (If keeping another Sky TV package) | £10.88 per remaining month |
If you have a Sky Mobile handset or SIM card, your early termination charges will be different. See our guide on how to cancel your Sky Mobile contract.
In some cases, it might be possible to cancel your Sky service without paying an early cancellation fee. You can do this if the speed of your broadband connection is slower than the minimum guaranteed download speed you were quoted when you signed up to the service. Alternatively, it might also be possible if Sky were to increase your charges by more than the amount stated when you signed up for your plan.
There are several alternatives to cancelling your Sky Broadband service:
If you’re suffering from poor download speeds, this might be due to your wi-fi network instead of the broadband connection itself. It’s worth making sure before you cancel your broadband service – simply attach a wired device like a laptop to your Sky hub using an Ethernet cable. You can improve your home wi-fi network performance with a wi-fi repeater or mesh networking solution such as BT Whole Home Wi-Fi or Google Wi-Fi. Alternatively, you can add Sky Broadband Boost for an extra £5/month. This gives you a guaranteed download speed of 3Mbps in every room of your home.
- If you’d like an additional broadband line, you can also sign up to Virgin Media or Three Broadband without cancelling your current Sky service. This will allow you to benefit from having an additional broadband service without the need to cancel your Sky service. You can also avoid paying an early termination fee to Sky.
- If you’re moving home, it might be possible to take your Sky connection with you. See Sky's home mover web page for more information.
More Information
For more information, see our guide on how to cancel your broadband service. Alternatively, see the official Sky website for more information on how to cancel your Sky service.
Cliff said:
I’m moving soon. I have sky phone / broadband and tv all of which total £95/month plus £25/month for BT Sports.
The £95 deal runs out April 2022.
I will want Sky at new address but would want a new deal. To give me bargaining power, can I simply opt to say I’m moving and cancel existing deal with no penalty? Or would I have to pay cancellation fees ?
Ken replied:
Hi Cliff,
Sadly, you’ll still need to pay an early exit fee for cancelling, even if you’re moving elsewhere 🙁 Your best bet is probably to transfer the service as that would side-step the cancellation fee.
Sam replied:
This happened to me I simply just called them and they managed to give me a new package and switched it over to my address they had someone come out to hook it all up
Robin said:
I have 8 months left of an 18 month contract with Sky for broadband only. I live in a rural area with very poor broadband coverage. I was getting around 4mbps on a good day at the start but this has now fluctuates from 1 to 3mbps. The guaranteed speed in my contract is 0mbps! Is there likely a way to cancel without charge due to Sky not being able to provide an adequate service? I’m looking to switch to satellite Internet.
Many thanks
Ken replied:
Hi Robin,
Sorry to hear about the problems you’ve been experiencing on Sky Broadband. Ordinarily, it’s unlikely they’ll offer a free cancellation but you should definitely make the argument to them that they’re not providing the services they described. The best thing to do would be to put in a formal complaint in writing with Sky, asking them to remedy the situation or to offer you a penalty-free cancellation. It’s possible they would then decide to grant this to you, if you’re able to make your case. As an aside, I’m not sure if you’ve considered 4G home broadband but that’s also a possible option if you have coverage in your area. At the moment, for Black Friday 2020, you can get unlimited 4G home broadband on Three for just £17/month (see here) – possibly one to consider as you can also use it alongside Sky Broadband. Normally, latency and speeds should be better than using a satellite-based service (providing you can get it where you live, of course).
Ian replied:
Sadly Sky does not work well with Three 4G cellular broadband. Despite 50+Mbs download and 30+Mbs upload in this location and all other streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon etc all working perfectly via Mbl, PC and Smart TV, the Sky box connects and then promptly rejects the connection to the Three 4G router. Two Sky engineers failed to solve the problem. This is my new next door neighbours having the issue. They’ve just moved here and the only workable broadband option here is Three 4G broadband which is superb. Anything via the phone line is useless as we’re very rural and so far from the cabinet Openreach have repeatedly failed to provide a working connection. You’d think this means we’re in the depths of Wales or somewhere but we’re actually in East Sussex! We ran both FTTC and Three 4G for a year or so and eventually cancelled the FTTC broadband as it simply never worked – even the telephone was unintelligible most of the time. Ever since then we’ve just used the Three 4G connection which has been fast and very reliable – it just doesn’t work with Sky!
Paul C said:
My Sky broadband contract ends on the 27th Sept 2020 and a new provider has offered me a change over date of the 2nd of September. Will I have to pay early terminations fees? I can’t find anything on the Sky website which explains how close to the end of your contract you can get without being charged. Am I switching too early or am I Ok to switch today 18th Aug 2020?
Ken replied:
Hi Paul,
Thanks for your comment. You can cancel your Sky Broadband plan at any time, but you’ll be charged an early termination fee for the period between your cancellation and the 27th September. For instance, if you were to change over the 2nd September, you’d pay a pro-rated termination fee covering 25 days of usage. I’m not sure what plan you’re on but assuming it’s Superfast, this will be somewhere in the region of £10.34.