Whether you're joining Vodafone or leaving for another network, it's a straightforward process to keep your existing phone number.
If you're leaving Vodafone to join another network, or if you're leaving another network in order to join Vodafone, it's super easy to keep your current phone number.
All you'll need to do is to request a PAC Code. It's totally free and the entire process of transferring your phone number should normally take no longer than one working day.
For detailed instructions, please choose the option that best applies to you:
- I'm leaving Vodafone and joining another network
Transfer your Vodafone phone number onto a different mobile network. - I'm joining Vodafone from another network
Transfer your phone number from another mobile network to Vodafone. - I'm upgrading my Vodafone phone or SIM card
Transfer your phone number from one Vodafone account to another Vodafone account.
Leaving Vodafone For Another Network

If you're leaving Vodafone to join another mobile network, you can take your phone number with you using a PAC Code from Vodafone.
There are three ways to request a Vodafone PAC Code:
- Online: You can get a PAC Code from Vodafone by logging in to the My Vodafone website. Once you've logged in, go to Account settings > Mobile switching.
- By Text Message: You can get a Vodafone PAC Code sent to you via SMS text message. Text PAC to 65075 to receive a PAC Code from Vodafone.
- By Phone: You can get a PAC Code by calling Vodafone. To do this, call them on 191 using your Vodafone handset. Alternatively, dial 03333 040 191 from any other phone. You'll need to call during Vodafone's opening hours (Monday-Friday 8am-9pm, Saturday 8am-9pm, Sunday 8am-9pm).
It's always free to get a PAC Code from Vodafone, and it's your legal entitlement to be able to recieve one. If any cancellation fees apply to your Vodafone contract, they should also tell you what this will be at the same time as sending you a PAC Code.
Once you have your Vodafone PAC Code, you'll need to provide it to your new mobile network operator. For detailed instructions, please select your new mobile network from the following dropdown menu:
Don’t want to keep your Vodafone phone number? You can request a STAC Code from Vodafone instead.
Vodafone STAC Code (Leave Vodafone Without Keeping Your Number)
If you’d like to leave Vodafone without keeping your current phone number, you’ll need to request a Vodafone STAC Code rather than a PAC Code. There are three ways to get a STAC Code from Vodafone:
- Online: You can get a STAC Code from Vodafone by logging in to the My Vodafone website. After logging in, go to Account settings > Mobile switching.
- By Text Message: You can get a Vodafone STAC Code sent to you via SMS text message. Text STAC to 75075 to receive a STAC Code from Vodafone.
- By Phone: You can get a STAC Code by calling Vodafone. Call them on 191 using your Vodafone handset. Alternatively, dial 03333 040 191 from any other phone. You'll need to call during Vodafone's opening hours (Monday-Friday 8am-9pm, Saturday 8am-9pm, Sunday 8am-9pm).
Once you’ve gotten your STAC Code, the rest of the process for joining your new mobile network remains the same. You can choose your new provider from the dropdown menu above for instructions on how to use your Vodafone STAC Code.
Joining Vodafone From Another Network

If you're joining Vodafone from a different mobile network, you should ask your old mobile network to provide you with a PAC Code. The PAC Code will allow you to transfer your phone number to Vodafone.
After getting a PAC Code from your old network, you should order your new phone or SIM card directly from Vodafone's website. For more information, please select the type of tariff you're wanting to move to:
For a full list of the latest Vodafone deals, please see this page on Vodafone's website.
Get the Latest Deals from Vodafone →
If you're buying your new Vodafone plan through a reseller, tap on their logo for more information:
When Your New Phone Arrives...
Once your new phone or SIM card arrives from Vodafone, switch it on and make sure everything's working correctly. If, for whatever reason, you need to return or change your handset or SIM card, it's best to do this before transferring your phone number.
Once you're happy to continue with the transfer, your PAC Code should be submitted through Vodafone's online form. Alternatively, you can give the PAC Code to Vodafone by calling 191 on your Vodafone handset. You can also call 03333 040 191 from any other phone.

If your PAC Code is provided before 5pm, your phone number transfer will normally be scheduled for the next working day (Monday to Friday only, excluding English bank holidays). For PAC Codes submitted after the 5pm cut-off, you'll need to wait one extra working day for your number to be transferred.
Sometimes, you’ll be given the option to provide a PAC Code at the same time as when you order your new phone or SIM card. We’d typically recommend against providing your PAC Code at this stage. Instead, waiting for the new phone or SIM card to arrive from Vodafone first will allow you to make sure it’s working correctly and will make the process of cancelling or returning much easier.
Upgrading Your Plan On Vodafone

If you're simply upgrading to a newer handset or tariff, it's not necessary to get a Vodafone PAC Code. You can simply upgrade via Vodafone's website. For more information, please select the type of Vodafone price plan you're planning to move to:
More Information
For more information, please see the Vodafone website. You can also read our full guide to using a PAC Code. This answers a lot of frequently asked questions and provides some additional tips on transferring your phone number.
For discussion, please see the comments below on this page. They show other people's experiences using a Vodafone PAC Code or moving their phone number from another network to Vodafone.
Theo van Elmpt said:
Hi Ken.
My question has probably been answered already but still – just to be sure.
I’ve just receive my Lebara SimOnly card and am in two minds whether to use it in a second phone with the ‘temporary’ Lebara number or to port the number of my current Vodafone SimOnly immediately.
If I decide for the first option – use it with its Lebara number in a second phone – can I then still port my Vodafone number to the Lebara card at any point in the future having used the Lebara number for a while ??
Ken replied:
Hi Theo,
Thanks for your comment and a very good question! Yes, you can port your phone number in to Lebara whenever you like (so absolutely fine to use it for a while with the temporary phone number from Lebara).
Anthea Williams said:
Hi Ken I hope you can advise me. I have bought a new phone through Mobiles.co.uk. I am leaving Vodaphone and have been given PAC number. The network for the new phone is again Vodaphone. Could you explain to me the procedure for keeping my number using the PAC code as seems convoluted. Many thanks
Ken replied:
Hi Anthea,
Thanks for your comment. Technically speaking, you would have signed up again as a new Vodafone customer via Mobiles.co.uk, as opposed to an upgrading as an existing Vodafone customer. Therefore, you may need to transfer out to another network, before moving your phone number from that network back to Vodafone. You can order a free Pay As You Go SIM card for this purpose (e.g. from giffgaff) and follow the step-by-step instructions in our PAC Code Finder.
Hope this helps,
Bob replied:
Text PAC to 65075. Ring 191 from your new mobile and give them your PAC code. (the PAC code is good for 30 days)
Jacek replied:
There is an additional problem with a phone locked to Vodafone if you want to make this trick: Vodafone PAC>giffgaffPAC>Vodafone.It’s necessary to unlock the phone first.
Seyed Yamani said:
I have been with “Three network” for more than two years, my contract has been over in January 2020 but you are still charging me like before. Now for personal reason, I want to switch from Three to Vodafone, I have spoken to “Three call centre” more than four times in the last 8 days, to asked for the PAC number and the guys very time told me you have got PAC number between 24 hours or 48 hours, but now after 8 days, I have got nothing that is not legal. The last person I was speaking to on 23/08/2020 Sunday afternoon his name is “SUHEB”. Unfortunately, I am still waiting for this number!!!! Three customer service is very disappointed and is not reliable.
Please Please..! give me the PAC number ASAP so that I can at least leave Three with a good memory.
Kind Regards,
Seyed Yamani
Ken replied:
Hi Seyed,
Thanks for your comment. This is a third-party website so I don’t represent Three and cannot answer on their behalf. However, is there a reason you’re unable to get your PAC Code via text message or through Three’s website/mobile application? You can get a PAC Code straight away without needing to talk to a person by texting PAC followed by your date of birth in DDMMYY format to 65075.
Kyle said:
The form just simply doesn’t work to switch over from Vodafone to Lyca. I’ve tried it several times and each time it tells me to check the values. But which values are causing the problem? I don’t want to phone Lyca and speak to someone and be charged 9 pence a minute for something Lyca claim they can do for free using a online form. I’ll take my business elsewhere.
Loraine Mottershead said:
I have bought my new phone from Vodafone am leaving O2. I have got the pac code but I want to tell O2 I’m leaving – how do I do that
Ken replied:
Hi Loraine,
Thanks for your comment. There’s no additional need to tell O2 that you’re leaving their network – simply asking for a PAC Code and using it provides your notice for leaving O2.
Hope this helps,
Craig said:
I sent my PAC code from vodafone to O2 via their online form late Wednesday night at about 2130hrs. It is yet to transfer across? Is there any reason for this? Who do I contact about the issue O2 or Vodafone?
Ken replied:
Hi Craig,
Thanks for your comment. As you submitted your PAC Code to O2 on Wednesday night around 21.30, I would expect it to be count as Thursday (and to therefore be transferred on Friday as per the timetable here). For any delays with porting, you should always contact your new mobile network (so O2 in this case) to enquire and to find out the reasons for this. You may also be entitled to porting delay compensation from your new network.
Hope this helps,
Micha said:
I just renewed, I sign new three contract but still in the 14 days period. Can I move to Vodafone without problem ?
Ken replied:
Hi Micha,
Thanks for your comment. Yes, it should be possible to cancel your contract as a 14-day cancellation. You’ll need to give Three’s customer services team a call on 333 to process this cancellation.
Hope this helps,
Geraldine Ryan said:
Hi there
I think I have completed the process of transferring my number from Vodafone to Virgin Media (din only) correctly.
Can you please confirm that I have done so and that I will not be billed for next month by Vodafone.
Ken replied:
Hi Geraldine,
Thanks for your comment. You’ve reached a third-party website so I wouldn’t be able to check this for you. Instead, the best thing to do is to give Vodafone a call on 03333 040 191.
Hope this helps,
Eiralyn Alcantara said:
Hi, I am Eiralyn. I didn’t know that I my contract renewed because they (three network) didn’t give me any notice that it was nearly ending my contract so it was automatically renewed. Since that happened, I just continued using my phone and date without any knowing that new contract has started. No, I wanted to move to Vodafone but I think I have bill to pay for Three since my contract automatically renewed. What should I do?
Ken replied:
Hi Eiralyn,
Thanks for your comment. At the end of your 24-month contract, your existing price plan will normally continue but on a one-month rolling basis (i.e. it doesn’t automatically renew for a further 24 months). Therefore, you can just follow the normal process for moving from Three to Vodafone without any issues or early termination charges.
Hope this helps,
Gabriel Mihalea said:
Mi name is Gabriel and I’m an three network client. I want to switch to Vodafone network but I’m still on contract till 2 September 2020. I don’t know if is possible to switch or I have to wait until my contract expires.
Ken replied:
Hi Gabriel,
Thanks for your comment. You can move to Vodafone whenever you like, but it’s likely you’ll incur an early termination fee as there are still 11 months remaining on your contract. There’s more information here on what this charge is likely to come to (text INFO followed by your date of birth in DDMMYY format to 85075 to find out the exact amount you’d be charged).
Hope this helps,
Joana Santos said:
Hi I got the PAC code and a message saying the switch (from a Vodafone number to Three) would occur. 24h later my phone is still not working, showing ‘no service’ – is there another step I need to do / anything to activate, etc.?
Many thanks,
Ken replied:
Hi Joana,
Thanks for your comment. Have you lost the coverage on your Vodafone SIM card? If so, it’s now time to switch over to the Three SIM.
If you haven’t ever had coverage on your Three SIM card, this is a little odd as you should normally always have coverage (including before you move your phone number over)?
Hope this helps,
Lorraine said:
Hi Ken,
I would be so grateful if you or anyone can help with this scenario I am experiencing with Vodafone. I am changing my contract provider (from Vodafone to mobiles.co.uk) but keeping the same network provider (currently Vodafone). I have spent over 2 hours simply asking for them to cancel my contract with them and provide me with a pac code so I am able to keep my number and use my new phone but they have told me I will need to see out my 30 day cancellation period and only then can I apply, using a form from Vodafone, for my pac code. After submitting this ‘form’ I will then have to wait further for them to issue me with the pac code. They have refused to issue me with a pac code now and have told me I will not be able to use my current sim in my new phone so I cannot use my new phone until after this 30 day period. During this conversation, which was in a Vodafone chat so I have been able to print the full discussion, they obviously tried to make me stay with them by offering a more costly contract (but so much better because going with a third party will cause me no end of problems) and I point blank refused. They continued with this line of pressure sell or the world will blow up many times after I said no. It was then they refused to give me a pac code number. Is this standard practice if you are staying with the same network but different contract provider or can I simply text 65075 and do it that way without being blackmailed from a sales advisor because I don’t want to renew my contract with them? I like the Vodafone network coverage but not them as a provider as I have had serious problems from with my sons contract that ended up with a higher authority so as a contract provider, they are appalling.
Thankyou for any help
Ken replied:
Hi Lorraine,
Thanks for your comment. Unfortunately, networks like Vodafone really don’t like you to sign up for their subsidised “new customer deals” on retailers like Mobiles.co.uk. This is because they make a lot less money from them, and they have to pay out a commission to the other retailer for acquiring a new customer (which they believe they already own the relationship with). This is the reason they aren’t offering you the same deal through their direct upgrades channel.
Sadly, the PAC Code process and all of the legal entitlements around that only apply when you’re moving from one mobile network to another. It doesn’t apply to upgrades or tariff changes on the same network. One way to get around this is by porting out to another network, and then immediately back in from that network to Vodafone. You can get a free Pay As You Go SIM card (e.g. from ASDA Mobile) for that purpose. With text to switch, it should actually be fairly straightforward to do this, as you just need to send a text message on each network. Unless you do that, your only other option is asking Vodafone to move you over internally, but it sounds like they’re not very keen to play ball…
Kim replied:
Did this work for you? I’m in the same position. And did they make you give 30 days notice?
Angela said:
Hi. I’ve moved from Vodafone to Virgin Mobile and advised them of my PAC code and was told it would be completed by midnight the next day (this was 1pm). Didn’t work, called Virgin again and was told to take out the SIM card, wait 2 minutes and that would definitely work. It didn’t. Third phone call, told it would be completed by midnight the next day. It wasn’t. It has now been “escalated as an urgent case” which will take 3-5 working days!! That’s 8 days not being able to receive calls or texts. And that’s on both my old number I’m trying to transfer and the new number Virgin gave me. Do you know who is responsible, Vodafone or Virgin Mobile? Not happy!!
Ken replied:
Hi Angela,
I’m really sorry to hear about the problems you’ve had moving your phone number from Vodafone to Virgin. For issues with porting, it’s your new mobile network’s responsibility (so in this case, responsibility lies with Virgin). Whatever happens, I’d recommend putting this in writing with a formal complaint (both to ensure it’s dealt with ASAP but also for record). I believe Ofcom have said that compensation is also due in cases like yours where there is disruption to the phone number transfer.
Angela Gibbs replied:
I can’t find my original post with your reply, but many thanks for getting back to me so quick. I’m still unable to receive calls and texts, it’s now been over 10 days. Virgin Mobile (new provider) are blaming Vodafone (previous provider) and vice versa. Seems I am stuck in the middle and have open accounts with both! And probably going to end up paying bills for both. I’ve sent an email of complaint to Virgin Mobile and not received a response, apparently they’ve been “trying to reach me by phone” but have been unsuccessful! Funny that, as the problem is not being able to receive calls! I just don’t know what to do as don’t want to lose my old number. I think Ofcom are going to need to be contacted.
Natasha Kingham said:
I have a Vodafone payg account but I want to change it to a monthly business account and keep my number. How do I do that?
Ken replied:
Hi Natasha,
Thanks for your comment. There are two ways you really do this:
(1) You can port your phone number out to a free Pay As You Go SIM card on a different mobile network. Once you’ve done that, you can port your phone number back in to your Vodafone Business contract.
(2) If you want to avoid doing that, you should get in touch with Vodafone Customer Services to see if they’re able to do it for you directly. Unfortunately, I’m not quite sure how it works for consumer plan to business plan transfers, so this is probably something you’ll need to discuss directly with them. Generally, for a consumer plan to consumer plan transfer, this should be pretty straightforward (albeit, you might not be able to get the full range of new customer deals).
Hope this helps,
Antony Cook said:
I have bought a new phone I would like to keep the number from my old phone. Both phones are Vodafone Pay as you go. How do I go about this.
Ken replied:
Hi Antony,
The best way to do this is by calling Vodafone Customer Services on 191. They should be able to arrange it for you.
mark wilson said:
I have 2 phones, one on Vodafone, 1 year in and 1 on O2, contract has lapsed, so free to end.
Trouble is my O2 phone number is my primary number, so the question is can I port this number to my 2 year Vodafone contract phone as my primary number ?, replacing the Vodafone number mid contract ?
Ken replied:
Hi Mark,
Thanks for your comment. Yes, you can port a phone number in to Vodafone at any time, even if you’re one year in to your contract. You can just follow the normal process for doing this, submitting it through the online form here 🙂 Your existing Vodafone phone number will be replaced when you do this.
Keela said:
I currently have a personal EE contract but want to take my number to a Vodafone business contract, can I transfer from personal to business?
Ken replied:
Hi Keela,
Thanks for your comment. Yes, absolutely, you can move your phone number over from a consumer contract onto a business contract. There is no requirement for the new contract to be held in the same name as your original contract.
Hope this helps,
Adrian said:
Hi I’m with Vodafone at the moment and just got a sim only deal with bt and want to keep my number .
If I put the bt sim in my phone and use the new number to check the coverage for a few days can I then use a pac code to change the number.
Ken replied:
Hi Adrian,
Yes, you can use your PAC Code to move the phone number over at any time! I’d definitely recommend testing out the BT Mobile SIM card for a few days before moving your phone number over. This would reduce any complication should you need to return the SIM card to BT for any reason.
Hope this helps,
Chris said:
I have 2x Vodafone SIMs (1x PAYG and 1x Monthly Contract) can I transfer my number from the PAYG SIM to the monthly SIM?
Ken replied:
Hi Chris,
Vodafone should be able to do this for you, without the need for you to request a PAC Code. If you give their customer services team a call (dial 191 from your Vodafone handset), they should be able to arrange this for you.
Hope this helps,
Ali said:
Hi I have just ported my numebr from Vodafone to Lyca mobile and my balance started deducting by itself without making any phone calls. Which I frustrating called Lyca asked for pac code and I have been told I need to use their network for 90 days before I request for pac code. I think Lyca here forcing me to use their services even if I don’t want to use. 69515647 Ref number
Ken replied:
Hi Ali,
Sorry to hear about the problems you’ve experienced on Lycamobile.
With regards to the balance deductions, is it possible that Lycamobile might be charging you for the use of mobile data? You should make sure this feature is disabled on your phone if you don’t have an active price plan on your account.
With regards to the PAC Code from Lycamobile, they cannot force you to stay on the network for a minimum amount of time. You should continue to pursue a PAC Code from them (as per your legal entitlements) – alternatively, I recommend putting a formal complaint in writing with them via the process described here.
Fiona said:
Hello, transferred from Vodafone to Virgin today and Virgin advised after I gave my pac code that I won’t have use of my phone until Tuesday midnight, which will be three and half days with no phone!
Is there anything I can do about this, can I use my Vodafone sim card in a different handset during this time??
Many thanks
Ken replied:
Hi Fiona,
Thanks for your comment. Are you still without coverage on your Virgin handset? It isn’t typically for you to be left without a phone when transferring your phone number. Whilst you’re waiting for the transfer, both mobile networks will typically work – it’s just your phone number will still be attached to the old SIM card from Vodafone, and your Virgin SIM card will have the temporary number.
Megan said:
If I have a new Vodafone phone in the UK but the old EE handset in the US, will the transfer still be successful?
Ken replied:
Hi Megan,
Thanks for your comment. It’s normally advised that both phones are in the UK if possible. However, in practice, I have found that there is a little bit of leniency around this. I believe it should probably be fine as long as your new Vodafone handset is inside the UK, though of course I cannot give a definitive answer for this!
Michael Birns said:
Hi Paul
I’ve just received my PAC code from Vodafone to change to virgin. I want to sell my old device so I’d like it unlocked too. What’s the best way to do this? Change PAC code then get it unlocked. Or the other way round.
Kind Regards.
Michael Burns
Ken replied:
Hi Michael,
Many thanks for your comment. In most cases, it’s much easier to unlock a handset whilst you’re still an active customer on it. For this reason, I’d probably advise unlocking your handset now if possible before moving your phone number over to Virgin Mobile.
Hope this helps,
L.J. said:
Hi Ken, I have recently purchased a new smart phone and I want to move my existing number from Vodafone payg to O2 payg. On the O2 ‘keep your number’ form it asks you for ‘your number’, is this the Vodafone one I want to move and keep or the temporary O2 one I have been using? Maybe a silly question, but I’m not 100% sure.
Also, while i get used to my new phone I have been using my new O2 sim on their ‘classic’ tarriff, when my vodafone number has been ported across, will i keep that tarriff and the credit i have purchased with O2? I know I will forfeit any remaining Vodafone credit. Thanks. L.J.
Ken replied:
Hi LJ,
Many thanks for your comment. To answer your questions in turn:
1. Yes, I believe the phone number you enter on the O2 keep your number form is the phone number you’d like to keep or preferred to be contacted on.
2. You’ll keep all of the credit you’ve got on O2, along with your current tariff or bundle. The only thing that can’t be moved over if your Vodafone PAYG balance & credit.
Hope this helps!
Kayleigh said:
Hiya I’ve switched from Vodafone to virgin got my PAC code informed virgin they told me it will be set up by dinnertime today but my phone has been saying no service and I can’t text or ring out since this morning any reason why?
Ken replied:
Hi Kayleigh,
Sorry to hear about your problems transferring a phone number from vodafone to Virgin. Unfortunately, you’ll need to discuss this directly with your new mobile network – they’ll be in the best position to help you. You can call Virgin Mobile on 0345 6000 789 or reach them via online chat here.
jill Piper said:
I have been paying my bill to vodafone for some years now. I received a phone call to tell me that my contract was up for renewal (which was confirmed at a Vodafone shop). When I tried to upgrade I find I am with one-com. How do I get a pac code from them so that I can stay with Vodafone alone and use their shops to upgrade? Will I have to wait for a code (ie can I do it in a vodafone shop) and is it best to do it on a weekday in normal working hours?
Ken replied:
Hi Jill,
Thanks for your comment. Unfortunately, I’m not aware of Onecom or their internal processes, so your best bet would probably be to contact them through this page if it isn’t possible to upgrade directly through Vodafone.
Lorraine said:
Hi I transferred from 02 to vodaphone today and although I can send & receive texts, I cannot receive calls! Very frustrating please help!
Ken replied:
Hi Lorraine,
Sorry to hear about the problems after transferring your phone number from O2 to Vodafone. It’s very strange you’re able to receive incoming text messages but not incoming phone calls (normally, if there’s a problem with the porting, both things should be affected at the same time). Either way, your best bet would probably be to talk to Vodafone Customer Services – you can reach them on 191 (or 03333 040 191 from a non-Vodafone handset).
Maxine said:
Please can you advise me? My husband had a Vodaphone account for his and my phone. He has died and I want to cancel one phone but take the PAC number for mine to Plusnet. Despite asking to see my husband’s death certificate ( not nice in an open shop) Vodaphone say they will only give me the PAC number if I transfer the account into my name AND WAIT THREE MONTHS. Despite OFCOM advising me this isn’t correct Vodaphone won’t budge.We are out of contract time with V so this cannot be the issue.
Ken replied:
Hi Maxine,
I’m so sorry to hear about this and about how Vodafone have dealt with this situation. To be honest, my recommendation would be make a formal complaint in writing here to Vodafone. This should help to get the issue escalated, and hopefully dealt with in a more sensitive and helpful manner.
My thoughts are with you and hope the situation with Vodafone can be solved very soon.
Maxine replied:
Hi Ken, thank you so much for your reply. Searching online I found that Vodaphone have a dedicated bereavement line but not one of the people I spoke with told me that. So…I rang it myself and spoke to someone who apologised and said I should never have been asked to take a death certificate into the shop.
The 30 day rule seems to be about needing to pay early exit from contracts etc but I explained this does not apply to me. I need, apparently, to speak to a supervisor who , they said, should be able to help me! I am phoning her tomorrow and will let you know how I get on!
JayB said:
Hey Ken, really useful set of information.
For many reasons I have two monthly SIM cards and I’m looking to settle on one provider now.
PAC typically refers to transferring a number into a new contract or agreement. But I can find no data on if PAC transfers in have a time limit.
I know PAC codes have a 30-day validity once requested.
So can you bring over a number to an account that has been running for a long time ?
In this case its Vodafone to Three
Ken replied:
Hi JayB,
Thanks for your comment. As you say, PAC Codes have a 30-day expiry from the date on which you request them (if it’s gone more than 30 days, you can simply request a new PAC). There’s no limit on how long you could have been using the phone number on your old network (whether it’s been 10 days or 10 years, you’re still able to request a PAC Code in the same way to move your phone number to another network).
Hope this helps,
Jodie said:
I already have a contract with EE but had to take out a new one rather than upgrade as they couldn’t offer me the same deal. EE say they cannot internally transfer my number so I have ported it onto Vodafone, I tried to call Vodafone once the transfer was complete, to be told I have to be with Vodafone for 7 working days before they will give me my new PAC – does this sound correct please?
Thank you
Ken replied:
Hi Jodie,
I’m not aware of any reason why Vodafone shouldn’t be able to issue you with a PAC Code immediately. I’d recommend trying to get a PAC Code from them again and if they’re still asking you to wait, you can make the request in writing or you can lodge a formal complaint with them.
Claire replied:
Hi ken,
I’ve had the same problem with EE not letting me keep my number after taking new EE contract through 3rd party. I got the PAC & my number ported to a Vodafone PAYG & this happened yesterday. However now I’ve asked Vodafone for my PAC in order to go to back to EE & they are saying they can’t issue me one at this time & to retry in 48 hours. Is this normal or should I be able to obtain PAC immediately after, I’m keen to get my number back on to my contract phone. Thanks
Ken replied:
Hi Claire,
Many thanks for your comment. I’m not aware of any reasons why Vodafone shouldn’t be able to issue you with a new PAC Code immediately. This might be due to a technical issue on their end, or alternatively it could be a technical limitation of their system.
Lee said:
I’ve just ported over from EE to Vodafone last night. All seems well and good in the fact that I can send and receive calls and messages to friends fine. My issue appears to be with other things needing my number. I used to have whatsapp installed on my own devices, so want it again for the same number. Whatsapp never sends me a verification SMS or call regardless how many times I try it. I’ve rebooted the phone many times, installed the app numerous times. I’m now on iPhone and I’ve confirmed the message, FaceTime and phone settings all have this number. I thought it was a whatsapp issue, but I’ve just tried installing my tsb banking app, that too needs to make a call to authenticate the device, but the call never comes through? As mentioned I can receive and make calls.
Any ideas?
Ken replied:
Hi Lee,
It sounds to me like there might have been a problem transferring your phone number over to Vodafone. My recommendation would be to contact Vodafone Customer Services on 191 – they should be able to look into this for you.
Steve said:
Hi, I want to leave Vodaphone & had asked them for a pac code, they sent me an email with a 20 digit code. As I have never dealt with this situation before I assumed this was the code, I joined ID & set up my app I D account. I went into my ID account & set about transferring my original number over to ID.
When I tried to input the code ID said there was a problem. I have now googled the problem & found out a pac code is only 9 digits ! What was the 20 digit number Vodaphone sent me & can I still get my original number transferred to my new phone ?
I’m grateful for any advice.
Ken replied:
Hi Steve,
Thanks for your comment. That’s a very good question: I actually have no idea what the 20-digit number is (most frequently, the PAC Code is confused for a PUK code but that would only be 8 digits long rather than 20 digits long). My guess is it’s probably an account number or something along those lines, but you’ll need to check directly with the team at Vodafone.
To get your phone number transferred to iD Mobile, you’ll need to contact Vodafone customer support once again to request a new PAC Code. This should be nine-digits long with three letters followed by six numbers (e.g. VOD 123 456).
Hope this helps,
Steve replied:
Hi, never got to the bottom of this. I have had to cancel my contract with Vodafone & buy a new phone that was unlocked to any network. Vodaphone were a nightmare to deal with , never ever deal with them again !.
J kettle said:
My mum just transferred from EE to Vodafone at a car phone warehouse shop so they took her PAC code and transferred data from her old phone to a new iPhone e 5s. Problem is she has No Service . Tried turning phone off and on but still no joy . Oddly The old phone from EE still works . Any help would be appreciated
Ken replied:
Hi there,
Thanks for your comment. It sounds like the new device on Vodafone might not currently be activated. I’d probably recommend double-checking this directly with the Carphone Warehouse (ideally switch it on in the store and make sure it’s working when you’re there).
J kettle replied:
Thank you . We went back to Carphone warehouse ! You were right the phone hadn’t been activated . We were told there was a glitch in the system and that everything should be up and running in 2-3 days !
Schinds21 said:
I joined Vodafone and then realised they were a nightmare after a week and decided to return to EE. I arranged to return the phone and they said they would issue the PAC code once they had received the phone. A day after I returned the phone my service was ended from Vodafone before they issued my PAC code. I called them immediately and after 2 hours on the phone I had no answers and no PAC code. Have I lost my number (that I’ve had for 20+ years for good??? 😭😱
Ken replied:
Hi there,
It’s the responsibility of Vodafone to issue you with a PAC Code, so unfortunately you’ll need to continue chasing them up for this 🙁 If you’re having continual problems getting this, I’d recommend making a formal complaint in writing to Vodafone. This should hopefully help to escalate the issue, and should hopefully help you with recovering the phone number.
kathy replied:
But if they cut off my line can they still issue a PAC code. You replied to Thom below me that – Unfortunately, if the account has already been disconnected without a PAC Code being actioned, it’s likely your phone number has now permanently been lost – does that apply in my case too?
Ken replied:
Hi Kathy,
Yes, you’re right. Normally, if an account has been closed without a PAC Code being actioned, you can assume that the phone number has been permanently lost. In your case, unfortunately, it’s also probable this applies. I’d certainly double-check with Vodafone directly however and I’d also make a formal complaint in writing to see if there’s a way for them to get it back for you.
Raj said:
Lebara service is AWFUL. I asked to port vodafone number to lebara and was told within 11 hours of porting req (as my lebara number got disabled) that porting has been completed. And I should be able to use lebara network with my ported number in the existing sim. Now its been 28 hours, my lebara sim is disabled (no network). I called up to check with Lebara customer care in india and was told that due to some technical problem porting hasnt completed and will take another 10 hours (36hours).
I cant believe them as it never took more than 24 hours of porting and number goes offline for max few hours. This is BS as some company floats a MVNO and lack technical skills to correctly do the bits.
Jack said:
I am going to transfer to EE, very soon after I get my 1000 points so I can buy a reward then transfer after. But I am leaving because of there coverage, firstly EE has much better 4G coverage.
This made me angry, I bought a £20 Big Value Bundle it said I have been granted with 4GB UK data, unlimited texts and 500 minutes in the text, but on the My Vodafone app it said I had unlimited data. So I used around 3.5GB data then 5 days later I got a text, you have 510mb of data left to use in 25 days. I chatted with them online once then they started this rubbish about buying another data pack and I’m like you made a mistake in the app then they said give me the Vodafone account details. The problem is I wasn’t registered for an account! They kept saying I was when I didn’t create a Vodafone account and I might as well start afresh with EE.
Simon said:
Hi Ken, I have a Vodafone pac code and want to give this to my daughter so she can get her own SIMO contract now she has started working. (It is her number but I have been paying for the contract in my name) Am I correct in think that she cannot use this with a new Vodafone contract as it would be with the same network? Assuming this is the case if she gets a PAYG sim from another network and transfers the number to that can she then get a pac code from that network without waiting 30 days? She can the port the number back to Vodafone.
Ken replied:
Hi Simon,
Thanks for your comment. There’s no technical reason why Vodafone can’t transfer your daughter’s phone number into the new contract which is in her own name. As you say, however, the staff in customer services will probably be reluctant to do this. My recommendation, in the first instance, would be to discuss your situation with customer services and to see whether you’re able to transfer the number over directly. If this isn’t successful, then you can of course order a free Pay As You Go SIM card from another network, transferring your number there and back.
Hope this helps,
Laura Fewtrell said:
I transferred my number from EE to Vodafone but I have changed my mind about staying with them, rang up for a PAC code but I’ve been told I have to wait 30 days before I can get one. Not happy. Other providers can do this straight away – why can’t Vodafone??!
Catherine replied:
Hi Laura, I’ve just been through the same thing – incredibly rude customer service person on the phone, I asked to speak to his supervisor and was told the same thing, which is an outright lie. I used to work in mobile phones and this is against Ofcom regs. I asked him to forward me the relevant T&C’s by email where it stated you have to wait 30days, he said he had (still haven’t received them – surprise!) and he hung up on me. I then spent another 30mins in webchat, threatened them with the ombudsman and was eventually told a PAC has been issued. Not received it yet but if I haven’t got it in the next two hours as per Ofcom regs will be issuing complaint. I also contacted via Twitter. Hopefully you can get yours resolved too.
Amanda replied:
Now having the exact same issue with vodafone and wondering if any of you ladies managed to get a resolution to this or is ofcom the route to go down?
Catherine replied:
Hi Amanda, I did get a resolution within a few days. But it was convoluted – bear with me!
Around 24hrs after the webchat advisor said she’d issued a PAC I still hadn’t received it, so I called customer services yet again to voice my displeasure. Made it very clear how annoyed I was and that I was going to report to the communications ombudsman (if you end up needing to go this route, all the how to info is here: https://www.ombudsman-services.org/communications.html). I was told that it was actually a technical problem, which I initially took with a big pinch of salt – she told me I needed to wait a week for the system to be able to process it (still, better than the 30 days I was initially told).
Then, I did a bit of online research and found a guy who was having a similar problem getting a PAC issued. He fixed it by registering for an online Vodafone account and then re-requesting his PAC. So that’s what I did too as I figured it was at least worth a shot. If you don’t have an online vodafone account you can register for one here, it’s free: https://www.vodafone.co.uk/myvodafone/faces/oracle/webcenter/portalapp/pagehierarchy/Page1.jspx#%40%3F_adf.ctrl-state%3D197wqi8wq5_40). Anyway, I waited another day, and this time I think I contacted them via webchat again, and they were able to issue it instantly – the PAC was texted straight to my phone while I was literally still talking to them.
So the answer is that yes, I got my problem resolved within 3 or 4 days with a lot of haranguing. But I also registered for an online account once I found out that might have had something to do with it, and then re-requested the PAC – so maybe that was also part of the problem. I don’t know whether they were just initially bullshitting and finally gave in or whether there was a system error code preventing people who haven’t registered online being issued with PACs, but if you haven’t already registered, do it, because it costs nothing and at least there’s a chance that might fix it. Failing that go to the Ombudsman. Hope you get it resolved, they were distinctly unpleasant to deal with!
Donna said:
I recently changed my payg EE (T-Mobile) number over to my new Vodafone contract and the actual change went smoothly.
I still however receive text messages from EE. I contacted EE to see how to stop these messages and was told the only way would be to reply with one of the STOP etc codes at the end of their messages. Surely though, these texts would cost me extra (outside of my Vodafone contract plan) to send to EE as they’re not Vodafone numbers. Is this correct?
Claire Genney said:
I contacted talk talk on Wednesday AM and provided my Vodafone PAC code, I was told it would take two working days to transfer my number. I had service via the new talk talk sim until Friday at 2pm and since then absolutely nothing at all on either number. Spoke to talk talk yesterday on my partners phone and I am now waiting for a call back which will take two days. Very disappointed. At home with two kids and no way of contacting anyone.
Ken replied:
Hi Claire,
Sorry to hear about your problems transferring a phone number from Vodafone to TalkTalk. Unfortunately, I’m really not sure what has happened in this case but it sounds like there has been a screw-up on TalkTalk’s end. I’d consider making a complaint to them in writing – aside from that, they’ll be the people you need to speak to in order to fix this issue.
Grace said:
Hello Ken,
I obtained a PAC code to transfer from Vodafone to EE over the weekend. I called the number and gave the code and phone number I wanted to transfer over.
I was informed that on Tuesday 10th May (yesterday) the transfer would happen between 12 noon and midnight. That’s exactly what happened. The process started at around 12 noon but I could not receive calls until midnight.
This is probably not very interesting news to anybody experienced with this. It is the first time I have completed this process and I wanted to leave a comment for inexperienced people such as myself who are doing this for the first time.
Thanks for the tech tips!
julie replied:
Very helpful to me, Thanks.
I gave my PAC code to EE to transfer from Vodaphone. Also given a transfer day. All went well though it was very hard waiting and resisting trying old phone.
Prior to transfer I moved all contacts, ringtones and pictures to new phone. Transfer day 7.30a.m. I got a text on old phone saying welcome to EE ….switch off an on again… I had a slight panic that they might have transferred the wrong way round, so looked on internet and found this chat. Ignored text and left both phones on table I did not turn phone off. 9.00 text again from EE on old phone saying thank you for requesting to transfer your number… (from this time calls were going to old phone and no call service on new, (I had no credit on old phone so I did not try to make any calls on it) 12.45 message on new phone saying existing number transfer to EE now complete.
old phone still shows contact list and old messages but better safe then sorry ….
Good luck.
Gemma Hyde said:
I have swapped my number to EE from Vodafone and my contract with Vodafone ends in July.. I was just going to pay off the rest of the contract and let it end but now it’s saying that I haven’t paid a bill and I can’t pay online or ring Vodafone because I’m now with EE, what do I do?
Ken replied:
Hi Gemma,
Thanks for your comment. I presume you used a PAC Code to move your phone number from Vodafone to EE? If so, your Vodafone account would have been closed automatically when you used the PAC Code and you would have been charged an early termination fee for the remaining months on the contract. They should have produced a final bill with these charges: if you didn’t it might be worth calling Vodafone Customer Services on 03333 040 191 and enquiring about what has happened to your account.
Hope this helps,
katherine mann said:
just to say a huge thank you for your excellent advice re sorting out my i phone after using a pac code to try to get my old number onto my new phone (moved from vodafone to 02 network). The new 02 number was coming up in text messages so I did all the resets to suggested and updated my number on my new i phone and hooray my old number I transferred is showing up perfectly.
Big thank you
jim said:
I’m transferring my number from Three to Vodafone and it’s almost a week since I requested the porting in. I’ve been promised two 3 separate days for the changed and it hasn’t happened. It’s very frustrating because I paying for and carry around two handsets.
Is there anything I can do to force the issue?
Ken replied:
Hi Jim,
Sorry to hear about the problem transferring your phone number from Three to Vodafone. It’s really frustrating when the phone number transfer doesn’t happen as planned, and I can definitely sympathise you in this situation. With regards to getting this moving ASAP, you’ll need to follow it up with Vodafone (the destination mobile network is responsible for actioning the transfer). In the first instance, you should call Vodafone Customer Services on 191 and ask them to check up on the status of the transfer. If you aren’t happy with how they deal with your request, you could then make an official complaint via this link. It can sometimes well be worth making a complaint – you should be given a person who’ll take charge of the issue and who’ll follow it up.
Best of luck,
sam said:
I have given EE my PAC from Vodafone around 2 hours ago (it was before 5.30) but both my sim cards have network. I thought once the PAC is given, both sims will lose network immediately?
Ken replied:
Hi Sam,
Thanks for your comment. Your PAC Code will actually be actioned on the next working day (so you’ll continue to receive coverage on both devices and your number should move over some time tomorrow).
Hope this helps,
Dariusz said:
Hi if is possible to move my number from ee to Vodafone then from Vodafone back to ee??
Ken replied:
Hi Dariusz,
There is no limit on how many times you’re able to transfer your phone number between networks. It’s also possible to transfer your phone number back to the same network. Hence, the scenario you suggested is most definitely possible!
Helen said:
I am sending this on behalf of my husband as he has no phone usage following a 3 week mess by Vodafone. 4 trips to the store endless phone calls and after 3 weeks decided to leave Vodafone. Now you can’t even get that right he gave his PAC to EE and nothing has changed and guess what it’s Vodafones fault! You are completely incompetent and the worst customer service I have ever encountered. So it will be 4 weeks on Wednesday without a phone. This is ridiculous and we are both very angry with Vodafone and all the time you have wasted.
Ken replied:
Hi Helen,
Thanks for your comment and sorry to hear about the problems with Vodafone. Unfortunately, I’m a third-party blogger so I can’t reply on behalf of Vodafone. I would, however, strongly recommend you make a formal complaint in writing to Vodafone. This should help to escalate the issue and will hopefully get it resolved a bit faster.
Best wishes,
Rooi said:
Hi, I’m wondering if you can advise me. I’m wanting to move my number from vodafone to ee. My current number is in a family members name as they took the contract out for me. I’m now wanting it to be in my name. If they get the pac code would I be able to give it to ee even though it will now be my name on the contract?
Thanks for any advice.
Ken replied:
Hi Rooi,
Thanks for your comment. You can indeed transfer the phone number to a new account registered under a different name (see point #3 in my other things to know). There’ll be no ownership name checks when giving the PAC Code to EE.
Hope this helps,
Liam said:
Hi I’m having the same issue as a couple of people on the comments.
The transfer from 02 to vodafone, my phone can dial out but nobody can dial me or text me, the transfer date was today but I’m without full service on my old 02 SIM and on my new Vodafone sim, I’ve called Vodafone several times to be promised different things and told different stories but as yet I’m still without a useful phone. Do you know if keeping the phone switched off is useful as one Vodafone representative told me it was my fault for having the phone on . . . I’d never been told to switch it off
Suzy said:
Hi, I’ve recently transferred from Orange to Vodafone and kept my new number using the PAC code – that has all gone smoothly but when friends are texting me they are using my old number that I kept from Orange and it’s coming through to my new Vodafone phone as it should but when I reply to them the message or the phone calls appear on their phones as the new Vodafone number that came on the sim rather than my actual number. Could you give some advice as to why this is happening and if there is a solution? Thanks.
Ken replied:
Hi Suzy,
Thanks for your comment. Are you by any chance using an iPhone? If so, your text messages may continue to show a temporary phone number after the transfer takes place. There’s more information here on how you can resolve the problem. If you’re using another device and your SMS text messages are showing the wrong number, you should contact Vodafone Customer Services about the problem you’re having.
Hope this helps,
Don said:
iDmobile mistakingly cancelled my contract then lost my mobile and can’t re-enable it to issue me a PAC for my business mobile number…..
I ported my number from Vodafone to iDmobile, everything worked fine until the line disconnected one evening. I rang iDmobile and visited carphonewarehouse who both confirmed that between them they’d accidentally cancelled my contract, lost my number, and now I’m stuck without a business mobile. Vodafone confirm the number was ported across to the 3 network, and also advise that re-enabling the number and then generating the PAC is something that can be done normally in their experience – yet iDmobile seem unwilling to even discuss it and carephonewarehouse aren’t making much progress.
Ken replied:
Hi Don,
Sorry to hear about the problems moving your phone number from Vodafone to iD Mobile. I recommend making an official complaint to iD Mobile as quickly as you can – they should assign you a person to deal with the case. Unfortunately, there’s isn’t any more help I’m able to provide but I hope the problem can be resolved quickly and in your favour.
Please do keep us updated if you hear any more from iD Mobile.
Amanda said:
Hi, I have recently moved my number to Vodafone from T- Mobile using the PAC Code. All is ok but my other phone is still working in terms of playing games and connecting to the Internet?
Ken replied:
Hi Amanda,
Thanks for your comment. After your phone number transfer from T-Mobile to Vodafone, the old account at T-Mobile should be closed automatically. The handset itself will still work however (e.g. apps & games will continue to work… you’ll also be use wi-fi internet). If you’d like to use the old handset for calls/texts/mobile internet, you can order a free Pay As You Go SIM card or a SIM Only contract.
Hope this helps,
Stevie said:
Hi Ken, I have moved a vodafone payg sim to a new smartphone. It picks up the vodafone network and connects to it for a short while but will not allow calls or texts. The connection is then dropped and it won’t reconnect to vodafone. Sim works ok back in the old phone but gets a text from vodafone saying that settings need to be updated. Then a text arrives into which I put an authorisation code. Another text arrives saying that settings have been updated. I put the sim back in the new phone and again I get connection for a short while but no calls or texts, then it loses connection and the I go around in circles. Any ideas? I have swapped this sim to new phones in the past without any problems….
Stevie replied:
As an update I have just tried a new vodafone payg sim in the new phone and it all works ok. Looks like the old sim is the problem and will probably be easier to change my number to the new sim.
Ken replied:
Hi Stevie,
Thanks for your update! As you say, this problem is normally caused by a faulty or malfunctioning SIM card. You can ask Vodafone to give you a replacement SIM card for free or you can ask them to move your current phone number over to the new SIM card 🙂
Stevie replied:
Yes, I think you are right. One way or another it is new sim time. Also I notice the new sims have a micro sim ready to pop out for when I change phone again.
Thanks for taking the time to reply. 🙂
Neil said:
Is there such a thing as secondary pac numbers?
I’m in the process of moving from Tesco mobile to Vodafone, I’ve been given a pac number by Tesco but Vodafone claim that they have given me a secondary number instead of a primary.
Could this be true?
Ken replied:
Hi Neil,
Thanks for your comment. I’ve never heard of a “secondary PAC number” – I’m also unable to find any reference for this in the mobile number portability manual. Does your PAC Code match the expected nine-digit format (e.g. ABC 123 456)? If not, it’s possible you’ve been given a PUK2 (used to gain access to your SIM card if you enter the PIN number incorrectly three times).
Samantha said:
I have a Vodafone contract but I want to transfer the number to an EE pay as u go sim. Is this possible? I don’t mind keeping the contract with Vodafone and having a new number with them but I would like that particular number on a EE pay as you go sim if that makes sense?
Kind regards
Ken replied:
Hi Samantha,
Thanks for your comment. It’s possible to transfer a phone number from Vodafone to EE. However, your old contract at Vodafone will normally be closed when you transfer the number out. If you want to keep the contract on Vodafone but with a brand new phone number, you’ll need to ask Vodafone Customer Services to see whether they’re able to do this for you.
Kathryn Hulme said:
I wonder if you could help please. I have an iPhone 4S and have recently changed from Vodaphone contract to a BT sim only, but kept my existing number. BT provided a temporary mobile number whilst I went through the change over process (only 1 day used) but now a lot of my contacts who are iPhone users state this temporary number still comes up when I text them or ring them?!
Are you able to advise how I can correct this please?
Ken replied:
Hi Kathryn,
Thanks for your comment. After a phone number transfer, it’s possible that iMessage and FaceTime will continue showing the temporary number. To fix this, go to Settings > Messages and turn off iMessage. You may also need to turn off FaceTime. Once you’ve done this, go to Settings > Phone > My Number. You should now be able to update the phone number there (make sure it’s the phone number you’ve transferred from Vodafone to BT Mobile). Finally, restart your handset and enable iMessage and FaceTime again. This should hopefully solve the problems you’re having.
Kathryn Hulme replied:
Hi Ken,
Many thanks for this information. I have followed your instructions, but I still have the problem that when I send an iMessage it is sent on the temporary number, even though this is not live any more for me?!
I have seen the problem I think, but unable to resolve if you can help further…..
In Settings>Messages>Send&Receive – it has my email address for Apple ID, and on this page (but greyed out) it states “you can be reached by iMesssge at” then gives the ‘temporary’ number. Because it is greyed out, I cannot see a way of edited this. I have been into the Apple ID settings to see if there any changes I can make, but there is nothing to rectify this.
Do you have a solution for me please??
Ken replied:
Hi Kathryn,
The option to change your phone number will normally be greyed out if you iMessage or FaceTime enabled on the phone. Have you tried going to Settings > Messages and turning off iMessage and FaceTime? You should then be able to change the setting in Settings > Phone > My Number (then restart your handset for everything to take effect). After restarting, you can turn on iMessage once again. If you’re still having problems, follow the ‘Unlink a phone number’ section on Apple’s help article.
Robert said:
Hi Ken
Excellent website, well done. Here my situation. I have to 2 phones both on pay monthly contacts.
Phone 1 is on Talk Mobile (Phone number 1)
Phone 2 is on Vodafone (Phone number 2)
I want to switch them so that:
Phone 2 is on Talk Mobile (Phone number 2)
Phone 1 is on Vodafone (Phone number 1)
I don’t need to make any changes to billing at all. I should add both phone are not network locked and use the same micro SIM type.
What do I need to do to make this happen. Any pitfalls to consider e.g. downtime/cost etc.
Ken replied:
Hi Robert,
Thanks for your comment about switching the phone number between two networks/contracts. Unfortunately, I don’t believe it’s possible to do this. Instead, the PAC Code system is designed for more simple requests: switching from one network to another, moving the phone number and closing the account at the old network. Outside of the PAC Code system, there also isn’t any way to achieve what you’re asking for.
Sorry I wasn’t able to be more helpful with your request! 🙁
Robert replied:
Hi Ken
I’ve been thinking about this. Think I made it sound over complicated.
All I want to do is switch numbers between 2 phones on different networks in essence… Surely this must be possible…
Can’t they just both issue me with a PAC code to exchange. Literally all want to do is to swap the numbers.
Ken replied:
Hi Robert,
Unfortunately, using a PAC Code will automatically close the account on your old network. Hence, if you were to transfer a phone number from Talkmobile to Vodafone, the account on Talkmobile will be closed automatically (the same vice versa from Vodafone to Talkmobile).
agne said:
Hello. I have a vodafone pay per month, but I want to change network ee to pay per month. Is it possible to change the network? thank you very much for your response!
Ken replied:
Hi Agne,
Indeed, it is! Take a look at the guide here for step-by-step instructions on moving your phone number from Vodafone to EE.
Hope this helps,
Paula said:
Hi ken we are trying to change our phone from O2 to vodafone and can ring out but not getting any texts or incoming calls they’ve said they will send text to how to solve it lol when u can’t get texts funny is there something you’ve got to do with your phone when it’s been switched over. We’ve got a iPhone 6 plus, many thanks.
Ken replied:
Hi Paula,
Thanks for your comment. On the day of the transfer, it’s fairly normal for this to happen (it means Vodafone has already updated your number on their network but O2 are still to release it). If you’re still having this problem after the scheduled number transfer date, you’ll need to contact Vodafone Customer Services (dial 191 from your Vodafone handset) – they should be able to investigate this for you.
Maria zapata said:
I have been waiting for a week to transfer my number to Vodafone from Three. Not only has my old sim card disconnected but also I am not getting incoming calls on the new one. Thanks to this, people can’t reach me and I’m losing revenue as a result.
Vodafone advertises the transfer as a straightforward service but it clearly isn’t when it comes to Vodafone. To make matters worse, getting through to customer service can take several hours… then they say it’s not something they’re able to resolve and to get in touch with the porting department.
The service provided by Vodafone is appalling: I wish I could cancel this contract and I do not recommend Vodafone to anyone.
Freya said:
So it’s been 3 working days since I paid to end my contract on EE and opened up a new one on Vodafone. I went from an iPhone 4 to a 6, it still hasn’t worked and all of my texts are going through to my old SIM and they have not transferred my number. It says on my iPhone 6 that I have no service and I have turned it off many times,
Please help,
Ken replied:
Hi Freya,
Sorry to hear about your problems transferring a phone number from EE to Vodafone. Assuming you’ve already provided the EE PAC Code to Vodafone, the best thing to do is to call Vodafone Customer Services on 03333 040 191 (you can also dial the 191 shortcode if you’re using a Vodafone handset). Vodafone should be able to give you an update on the progress of your transfer and why it’s taking so much longer than normal.
Warwick said:
I requested a pac code to change my number accords to ee from Vodafone now I have same telephone number on Vodafone sim and ee but I can call out from both ee and receive calls on Vodafone sim so now I have to Carry two phones around. It’s been 2 days now turning phones on and off any ideas please
Ken replied:
Hi Warwick,
Sorry to hear about your problems transferring a phone number from Vodafone to EE (if it helps, other people have the same exact problem – you can see the comments here for more information). In this case, it sounds as if the phone number is still yet to be moved over from Vodafone to EE. Once the number transfer has actually gone through, your Vodafone SIM card should become inactive. Meanwhile, EE has already updated your caller ID number despite the transfer not actually having happened. The best thing to do would be to give EE Customer Services a call on 150. They should be able to update you on the progress of the phone number transfer and can give you an estimated time for the transfer to be complete.
Ted said:
Hi Ken,
I’ve currently got a problem transferring my number from Vodafone to EE. I got the PAC code from Vodafone and passed this to EE when I took out a new contract with a new phone in one of their shops on 10/10/14. I was told in the shop that my number would port across to EE on Mon 13/10.
When I checked out the phone at home, there was no service. I lost my service on Vodafone on 13/10 but never got a service on EE.
I have contacted EE a number of times since, but each time been told the porting has not gone through fully, but got stuck initialising?? I have also been told my problem has been escalated each time but still I am without any service, 11 days since taking out the contract.
Is there any hope of this getting resolved or is it better to cut my losses and forget about keeping my old number?
Ken replied:
Hi Ted,
Sorry to hear about your problems transferring a phone number from Vodafone to EE. It’s shocking that they’ve left you without service for 9 days already – even after the number has been transferred. I have a sneaking suspicion that this actually isn’t a problem with the PAC Code (otherwise your EE SIM card would still work but with the temporary number EE originally gave you). It might be worth going into an EE store and asking them to check if there’s a problem with the SIM card. I’d also lodge a complaint with EE – this should hopefully get the issue escalated and will hopefully lead to a faster resolution.
Best of luck,
Russ said:
Afternoon, I have just obtained my PAC code from Vodafone and my line goes dead on Friday but im not using my PAC code until Saturday when I take out a new contract with EE. Do you know if my PAC code will still work after the line is dead or not. I’m not leaving Vodafone on friendly terms and they are cancelling my contract with immediate effect.
If any one can help me on this that would be great.
Ken replied:
Hi Russ,
If your account at Vodafone gets closed before the transfer, the phone number will be lost and you won’t be able to transfer it to another network. My recommendation would be to use your PAC Code as soon as possible – if you submit the PAC to EE today then your number should be transferred over tomorrow. If it’s not possible to do this, you may need to ask Vodafone to extend your line rental for a couple of days. This will give you a little more time to have your number moved over.
Best of luck,
Paul Cullen said:
Hi Ken
Thanks for your excellent description of the old number to new phone process.
I have just completed the same, from Vodafone to Tesco with no problem.
However the number displayed in my new phone (moto G) status is still the temporary number allocated by Tesco. Will this update automatically, can I update it or will the phone always display the original number?
Ken replied:
Hi Paul,
Thanks for your comment. Could you kindly elaborate on which feature of your new smartphone is showing the old number? If it’s an instant messaging app (e.g. WhatsApp), you’ll need to re-register the app under the new phone number. If it’s an outgoing call still showing the old number, this would be a problem to discuss with Tesco customer support (call 4455 using your Tesco handset and ask them to check the caller ID). Finally, if it’s a problem in the Android interface (e.g. the wrong number showing on the About screen) you can normally resolve this by restarting your handset.
Hope this helps,
Geraint said:
Hi Ken
i have done all of thisnd my number ha gone to vodafone, however it is still working on ee, my texts come through to that as well? does it matter that i have iphone 5 and now iphone 6?
Ken replied:
Hi Geraint,
Thanks for your comment. It sounds as if the number transfer still hasn’t taken place (I’d wait until the end of the working day, then I’d call Vodafone if the problem doesn’t resolve itself). The caller ID on your new network (Vodafone, in this case) can sometimes be updated before the transfer actually happens. It doesn’t actually mean calls & texts will be routed to that SIM card. Once the number has finally transferred from EE to Vodafone, calls and texts should then arrive on your new Vodafone iPhone.
Hope this helps and enjoy your iPhone 6!
Amy booker said:
Hi Ken!
I have paid to end my contact early with ee and taken out a new contract with Vodafone.
I got a pac code from ee which I gave to Vodafone when I took
Out my new contract and the number transfer should be taking place today.
I have lost service from my ee number but I’m still on the temporary number that Vodafone gave me on my new phone.
I lost service on my ee phone around 3.30 so should the old number now be active on my Vodafone contract or has something gone wrong?
Ken replied:
Hi Amy,
Thanks for your comment. You should normally lose service on the EE SIM card at the same time as Vodafone changing the phone number on your new SIM card. However, in some cases, there could be a short delay before this happens. I’d recommend restarting your Vodafone handset and seeing if it registers with the new phone number. If the problem persists then I’d call Vodafone Customer Services to enquire about the problem (dial 191 from your Vodafone handset).
D drury said:
I am at my wits end after 4 hours on the phone to vodaphone!!! I want to put my wife’s number on to my vodaphone business account . She is a vodaphone account holder customer at the end of a 24 month contract . She’s been quoted £40 odd to get a PUC
I can’t transfer for 30 days …she’s been told to get a pay as you go for 30 days !!
I am being told different things on every call . Can someone please help
Zhoumei said:
Hi Ken!
I’m currently in the process of doing this from Vodafone to EE, however there is an issue going on. It was supposed to be transferred over the next day however it’s been a bit of a problem. I can call out with the phone number that’s been transferred from Vodafone, but I cannot send texts or receive calls. Any idea whats happening?
Ken replied:
Hi Zhoumei,
Sorry to hear about your problems transferring a phone number from Vodafone to EE. If you’re able to call out using your phone number but incoming calls still go to the old network, then the transfer of your phone number is still yet to be finished. I’d recommend rebooting your handset occasionally throughout the number transfer day – this will sometimes iron out any problems on your phone. If you’re still having problems at the end of the working day, the best thing to do would be to call EE Customer Services (dial 150 free from your EE handset). As to why you’re unable to send text messages from your phone, this is a little bizarre as you’ve already managed to make an outgoing phone call. If rebooting your handset doesn’t make a difference then EE Customer Services would probably again be the best bet!
Dovile said:
I have got my pac code and filled form online. I am switching from Vodafone to EE. Aaaaand nothing happened. I have filled that form once again 2 days ago and still nothing happened. I havent got any message. Also I have been trying to switch mobile phone off and on again. Still nothing. I am not sure what to do.
Ken replied:
Hey Dovile,
Thanks for your comment. It’s strange that nothing has happened since submitting your PAC Code to EE. Have you received any messages from them confirming they’ve processed the PAC Code? It might be worth giving them a call (dial 150 from your EE handset) and checking with Customer Services on the status of your transfer.
nr said:
My vodafone contract notice has been given and PAC CODE given to new provider giffgaff. The PAC expires on 30th july but switch is scheduled on 31st July…Hope this works out as I need to keep the same number…
Ken replied:
Hi nr,
Thanks for your comment. I don’t think there will be any problem as long as you provide the PAC Code to giffgaff before the time it expires. In case of any problems, simply give Vodafone another call – they can give you a new PAC Code which you immediately re-submit to giffgaff.
Hope this helps!
mudpie said:
Love your site – great advice and help.
I want to change from my pay as you go (Vodaphone) to an EE iphone contract. There is a great deal with EE which unfortunately ends on 31st July. I am trying to use up my credit on my old phone (don’t want to waste it!!!) If I go and sign up for the deal on the the 31st can I wait a while to transfer my number so as to use up my credit?
Thank you in advance
Ken replied:
Hi mudpie,
Thanks for the kind words and for leaving us a comment! Yep, of course, it’s no problem at all to sign up with EE today and to transfer your number over at a later point (e.g. after you’ve used up remaining credit on Vodafone). The process for transferring your number can be seen on this page – with step 3 (providing your PAC Code to EE), you should only do this when you want your number transferred over (you’ll lose any remaining Vodafone credit here at this stage).
Hope this helps!
mudpie replied:
Thank you for the info Ken, really helpful.
majraven said:
Two months ago I obtained a PAC code from Vodafone and passed it on to Asda mobile. The porting of my existing number did not take place as expected, and every few days Asda has been giving me excuses and saying that the tech team is working on it and it should be fixed ‘soon’. Today, almost two months after the port should have taken place, the Asda team has claimed that the PAC code was faulty, and another is required from Vodafone. Vodafone says they have ported the number (to T mobile, for some reason) and they now have nothing to do with my number and cannot issue another PAC code. No calls or texts can be received using my original number, although calls can be made. In effect, both Vodafone and Asda have washed their hands of the matter. Any ideas?
Ken replied:
Hi Majraven,
Sorry to hear about your problems transferring the phone number. For me, it sounds as if the problem is on ASDA Mobile’s end (Vodafone did everything they were meant to do by releasing your PAC Code). One explanation for what has happened is that both ASDA and T-Mobile use the EE network. Hence, the transfer might have messed up on the receiving network end (e.g. perhaps your number was assigned to T-Mobile rather than ASDA). It does sound as if the issue should be chased with ASDA Customer Services (as Vodafone say, the number has already left their network). Sorry I couldn’t be more helpful, and I do wish you all the best of luck in getting your number back.
Paul said:
Hello, i ported my vodafone number to three, before couple days receive text restart my phone , and i can make calls and send text but i not able receive incoming call or text, When calling straight goes to voicemail welcome to lyca mobile (vodafone). , i already contacted ree they told me cant see any problems and on system shows everything works fine, they told me i have to wait they will send to technicians to chekc again, maybe someones know why still cant receive calls? Is problem from vodafone or three? Looks like porting done only half. Thank you
Ken replied:
Hi Paul,
Thanks for your comment. Sorry – I was a little unclear on your original mobile network: was it Vodafone, Lycamobile or Lebara Mobile? To give a quick overview, Lycamobile actually uses the O2 network (maybe you’re referring to Lebara which instead uses Vodafone as their network coverage provider?).
Anyway, with regards to the situation, it looks as if the porting is incomplete. The problem could be on either end but your best bet would be to get in touch with Three (dial 333 from your Three handset). They should hopefully be able to resolve the situation (and can liaise with your old network if required).
Hope this helps,
Paul replied:
hi Ken,
sim card is vodafone, but i dont know why voice mail says welcome to lyca mobile please leave your message, i already tryed contact three few times ,they told me wait ,but nothing happends, its 6 days nothing happens, also i was in three store and they gave me new sim card, but thats not help, still cant receive incoming calls and text and my voicemail still lyca but network is vodafone, the sim was brand new i get pac code and fill online form on three website, and on 18 jun get messages to restart my phone, i can make a the calls send text and use data internet, looks like split service, , but not sure why on vodafone network says welcome to lyca mobile. also three send me email to check this, but 4 days no anwser. maybe problem with old network?
Ken replied:
Hi Paul,
That’s positively bizarre – was your phone number originally issued by Vodafone or Lycamobile? You can check the spreadsheet here if you aren’t totally sure. If it was originally a phone number issued by Vodafone, I guess the phone number has transferred to the wrong network. If the phone number was issued by Lycamobile, it may have gone back to the original network. Either way, it’s exceptionally bizarre and I’m also at a loss to explain what has happened!
Paul replied:
well that vodafone sim card was brand new unpacked, i contact vodafone and get pac number, and when sim was unused i tryed to call so before says welcome to lycamobile, i really dont know why on vodafone says lycamobile, dont know where is the problem. but they check the number in vodafone and generated pac code , i dont think vodafone can generate lycamobile pac code ?
Ken replied:
Hi Paul,
It is very bizarre – I’m not sure why your Vodafone SIM card would have given that message (but it’s still worth checking the spreadsheet I sent to see if the number was originally from Vodafone). This article from 2009 gives more information on how to use the spreadsheet. Once you know the SABC and D/DE codes, check the company the number was issued to. This should give you some more information when going back to Vodafone/Three.
Kim Ward said:
Hi Ken,
After no end of problems with signal on Vodafone I switched to T-Mobile but the problems continued. After 4 months, 3 new sim cards, new phone returned for checking and many hours talking to the appalling customer services at EE I managed to get a UK based engineer who said my problem lay with Vodafone as even though I had moved my contract to EE the profile of the number remained with Vodafone and when you move your number to any provider the original issuer is still in control. I was also told I shouldn’t expect my phone to keep a signal when in a vehicle travelling at more than 50 mph.
EE would have to request Vodafone to reset the profile and it would take 3 days. It did improve and work for about a month.
1st question is this true?
If it is true then if you are having continual problems like me is it worth just ditching the number and starting again. I have had my number for business for over 12 years so not something I really want to do.
Ken replied:
Hi Kim,
Thanks for your comment. It is true that when a number is ported, there is an entry within a central database to show the phone number has been moved to another network. To give some background, refer to this spreadsheet from Ofcom. The spreadsheet shows the block of phone numbers allocated to each network (your phone number would originally belong to Vodafone). When a phone number is moved to another network, it needs to be listed within a separate database (otherwise the call would still be routed to Vodafone instead of T-Mobile). Generally, the system to transfer numbers works very smoothly and I rarely hear of problems like yours. Also, even in the event of a problem with the number transfer system, I don’t see how it would affect your mobile coverage (receiving a signal is totally independent of the PAC Code system).
To test things out, my recommendation would be to carry out an experiment using a T-Mobile SIM card. It’ll have a brand new number (not ported from Vodafone). Insert the SIM card into the handset you normally use. You can watch the bars of signal when travelling in a vehicle. I suspect you’ll see similar behaviour even with the new SIM card (if so, the problem is either with your phone or with T-Mobile’s coverage).
Mairi said:
Hi Ken
I have transferred my number using a PAC code from Vodafone to Tesco mobile. The number appeared to transfer successfully as I am receiving texts to my old number on my new phone, but when I send messages it is my temporary tesco mobile number that is appearing on the receiver’s phone. Will this disappear once my vodafone contract finally ends in 30 days?
Ken replied:
Hi Mairi,
Thanks for your comment. It looks as if there’s a problem on Tesco Mobile’s side. They haven’t yet updated your Caller ID number which is why it’s showing your old temporary number. I recommend getting in touch with their Customer Services team: dial 4455 on your Tesco Mobile handset. Fingers crossed they should be able to fix the problem for you!
Jem said:
Hi Ken, I ported my very nice number from O2 to Vodafone mid Jan. Since I have not been able to receive any calls from any other provider or landline other than vodafone and no texts except from Vodafone. It has been very difficult 8 weeks with what amounts to a zero service. I am able to text and dial out and my nice number is shown as the caller, it just dosent work the other way. I have been in almost daily contact with vodafone to get them to resolve the issue, they havent I just go from one tech to another and empty promises that it will be resolved. I can hardly believe that this is a strange and never been encountered problem in the whole of the world. I have come to end of tether and have complained to Ombudsman. Thats the background. If I should go down the route of severing my contract and requesting my PAC number is it likely I would have the same problem with another provider…. has my number/code been scrambled!
Ken replied:
Hi Jem,
I’m really sorry to hear your experiences about transferring a phone number from O2 to Vodafone. It’s a rare problem as most PAC Code transfers happen without any issue. Was your phone number originally issued by O2 or was it issued by another company? Your phone number will come from the block of numbers issued to your first mobile network (see the full list on OFCOM’s website). For instance: 07734 is O2, 07735 is Three, 07741 is Vodafone, etc. Then, somewhere along the line, there’ll be a database of phone numbers transferred to a different mobile network. For instance, the database might say that 07734 555 555 is now on Vodafone rather than O2. The problem with your incoming calls & text messages likely originates from that database.
Either way, Vodafone is the responsible party which should resolve this issue. I hope the issue can be solved promptly for you, with the involvement of the ombudsman. Please do get in touch and let me know how you get on with Vodafone.
Argy said:
Hi Ken,
I have been living a nightmare to transfer my phone with Lebara and i would like your advice. I have requested my PAC code from Vodafone which was my old provider and received it within a few minutes. I then called Lebara and gave them the PAC code along with my number details and they informed me that around Tuesday i will be diconnected from my old network, and i should wait until the night of the same day to be connected with Lebara. The service was indeed disconnected on Tuesday, however, despite expecting to be connected a few hours later on Lebara nothing has happened. I have called them on Wednesday, experienced terrible customer service and was charged a 40 minute long call, and they aknowledged they had made a mistake and transferred my old phone number to the wrong sim card(!) and not the one i had. They promised they will resolve it asap and give me a call back at my office. I also requested to be sent an e-mail. On Thursday and after waiting another 24 hours without any feedback or e-mail regarding the status of transferring my number, i had to call the customer service of Lebara myself, again. Guess what happened: I had to go to the whole identitification process and details again, only to be told that the customer service had done nothing yet forward to my call the following day! They said there was no request on my case done to the technical department of the company yet! It is currently Friday and still i am not connected on Labara network despite their promises that in 24 hours it will be resolved. My question is this: Does it make sense that it takes them SO LONG to transfer my number, even if they have done a mistake? And do you think there is a chance i might loose my number? I have no trust to what they say now as i have seen no action and results so far so your feedback will be useful.Thanks a lot!
Ken replied:
Hi Argy,
This sounds like a really unfortunate situation – it does sound as if Lebara Mobile has botched up your number transfer. They’ve transferred your phone number onto the wrong Lebara SIM card. You didn’t say whether the other Lebara SIM card is actually in use – but if so, it potentially means someone else can intercept your phone calls and text messages. Not only does this pose a risk to your privacy, it’s also been a huge disruption to your service. Lebara should certainly be dealing with this as a matter of priority – if not then I’d suggest escalating the issue to Lebara’s management or CEO.
From the sounds of it, action definitely needs to be taken on the Lebara Mobile side. I don’t think there was any mistake from Vodafone’s side, as your number transferred successfully off their network to Lebara. The issue is with Lebara’s internal process: they assigned your phone number onto the wrong SIM card. There shouldn’t be a risk of losing your phone number, as long as Lebara re-assigns your phone number correctly. Providing Lebara doesn’t return your phone number to Vodafone, I don’t think there’ll be a risk of losing your phone number.
Good luck and fingers crossed for a resolution with Lebara. Do let me know how you get on and if you have any other questions,
Argy replied:
Thanks Ken. None of the sims has been working and after 2 further calls to the customer service and a formal complaint issued earlier, i was assured that my issue is being dealt seriously now(!). However its 20.00pm and i am still not connected, my guess is , will not be till much longer.No reply to my e-mail, no other form of feedback or update, however they promised they will update me when they have further info via e-mail. No indication of how long re-connecting my number might take. It seems that this process is for them more complicated that nuclear science! Lebara customer service is non existent, so next step is Ofcom and Ombudsman.
mike said:
Hi Ken, I have been with Orange about 22 years( almost since they started) always with the same number.I had an old Nokia and my son recommended switching to a Samsung Galaxy s 4 on a monthly contract.I went with him to Brentwood in Essex and we chose Vodaphone as the best plan for me.I live out in the wilds some 30 miles from Brentwood and when I tried to use the phone discovered there was no Vodaphone network coverage, so the phone was useless.I signed the contract on Sat 19th October and by the time I had tried to use the phone it was too late to report. So it was the 21st when I rang the shop to cancel the contract.My son had already rung Vodaphone with the PAC and because I was going abroad transfer had been agreed for November 4th.I went to Spain on the 21st returning late on the 31st and took the phone back to the phone shop in Brentwood on 1st November.They were very apologetic and gave me a special deal with EE. While I was in the shop they rang Orange to cancel the transfer to Vodaphone and I arranged to go in on the 4th for them to handle the transfer to EE as things were a bit complicated.On the 4th the assistant who dealt with me had the day off and the manager was sick.I was in Brentwood overnight so went to the shop on the 5th.My PAYG was cut off and the shop Manager rang Orange to transfer to EE only to be told that they had transferred the number to Vodaphone and there was nothing that could be done by them.Vodaphone refused to give the PAC unless I honoured their original contract and paid off the full amount of 24 x £32 (£768) .I was in the shop over 2 hours and I think Vodaphone may have acted illegally.I am considering going to their compliance dept but would appreciate your thoughts .Thanks in advance,your site is very informative and I have bookmarked it and will definitely recommend it.
Ken replied:
Hi Mike,
Sorry to hear about your experience with Vodafone. When joining Vodafone, there should be a 7-day cooling off period. Hence, as you signed your contract on the 19th October, you should have until the 26th October to cancel your contract. There are no extra charges or early termination fees for cancelling your contract in the first seven days.
As mentioned in your comment, you called to cancel on the 21st October. This was within the original 7-day period so there shouldn’t have been any problems. However, I believe your cancellation request wasn’t processed until after the seven day period. Your Vodafone account would still have been active on the 4th November as a number transfer took place on this date (the 4th November is 15 days after the contract was signed so would be outside of the cooling off period). As your contract was still active after seven days, this is why they’re asking you to pay off your contract.
My recommendation is to argue things out with Vodafone. Let them know that you asked to cancel your contract within the original 7 days. Perhaps the request got lost somewhere within the shop or within Vodafone’s systems: if they made a mistake then they should cancel your contract at no additional charge. Escalating things to the CEO’s office can sometimes be effective.
I wish you the best of luck in resolving the situation with Vodafone. In case things can’t be resolved, the worst-case scenario would be buying a Vodafone Sure Signal box. This will give you 5-bar coverage at home but there is an extra cost when you buy the box. Still, it would be much cheaper than paying the full £768 for a service you’re unable to use.
daniel homer said:
my orange pay as you go sim has been terminated is there any way of me getting it back to use as vodafone pay as you go sim number
Ken replied:
Hi Daniel,
Once your account has been closed, the phone number will have unfortunately been returned to the network. However, if it’s simply a case of your SIM card not working, then your account may still be open with Orange. If you contact Customer Services, they should be able to send you a replacement SIM card.
Aidan said:
Hello, I have currently switched from a blackberry from o2 to a HTC one on vodafone, I transferred my number using a PAC code, I was told to turn my new phone off from the times between 11am and 4pm today, I turned on my new HTC one on at half past 4 and I am receiving no signal, I hope you can offer advise
ben said:
Hi Ken,
I am currently with Vodafone. I opted for a new contract today with three. However the contract begins on the 10th September. My Vodafone contract terminates on the 15 September.
If I am to request a PAC code, can I give it to three AFTER the 15 September, or will it no longer be valid since my Vodafone contract will be finished after that date.
Basically what I’m asking is: is it necessary to give three the PAC code BEFORE the 15 September or can I give it to them after the 15th (providing the PAC code is within the 30 day expiration period)
Many thanks in advance
Ken replied:
Hi Ben,
Thanks for getting in touch about your move from Vodafone to Three. If you’ve already told Vodafone to terminate your contract on the 15th September then I would definitely move your number over as soon as you possibly can (i.e. call on the 10th and give them your PAC).
If it’s simply a case of your 24-month term ending on the 15th September then don’t worry about it. Your contract at Vodafone won’t end automatically: it’ll continue just as before. You can move your phone number over at leisure. When you do this, Vodafone will send you a pro-rated bill for the final month (i.e. for the part of the month where you’re using Vodafone).
Hope this helps,
ben replied:
Many thanks for the speedy reply and valued advice!
I will recommend your site to friends!
All the best,
Dave said:
Hi I have received a PAC code from Tesco Mobile, but Vodafone says that it’s invalid. I’ve talked to each company several times. Tesco say they can’t generate a new PAC code until this one expires. I’ve triple-checked the number and the code, but now I’m at an impasse.
What can I do?
Ken replied:
Hi Dave,
I’m sorry to hear your problems about transferring a phone number. I’m not really sure what the solution is to this. As you mention, you can double-check the PAC Code making sure it’s in the right format (nine-digits long, in the format ABC 123 123). Also make sure that characters haven’t been mis-read (e.g. a 1 for an I or a 0 for an O). Aside from that, there’s no reason why your PAC code shouldn’t work. In order to generate the PAC, Tesco should have registered it on a central database that all of the mobile operators use. I’d ask them to double-check that this has been completed. In my view, the problem is more likely to have originated on Tesco’s side as they would be responsible for putting your request in the central database, etc. As long as the PAC was correctly given to Vodafone, there’s unlikely to be any problems on that side.
amy said:
I took out new contract and wished to keep my old number. I got PAC code from vodafone and the shop assistant phoned 3g to tell them number, it has now been over 24 hrs and still no number transfer. any suggestions please
Ken replied:
Hi Amy,
Thanks for your comment. Providing the PAC code was provided to Three before a certain cut-off point, the number transfer should have taken place on the next working day. It’s possible that the cut-off point was missed: your number transfer might take place tomorrow instead. If it doesn’t, I’d give Three a call on 333 and double-check the status of your number transfer.
Bill said:
Hi Ken,
I want to terminate my Vodafone monthly contract(approx. 9 months left to run) and switch to 3 network because they can offer me a good deal on iphone 4s.Is this as simple as it sounds?I know I will have to pay the outstanding monthly rental for the contract.Will they allow me to terminate this contract and also provide me with my PAC number?
Ken replied:
Hi Bill,
There’s no problem with cancelling your Vodafone contract early, though as you said you’ll need to pay the early termination fee. As you’re a Vodafone customer, this would be approximately 81.7% of your remaining monthly payments. If you’re currently on a £30/month contract, the termination fee would be approximately £220. Take a look at my guide to early termination fees, otherwise once you’ve cancelled you can use a PAC Code as discussed on this page.
Hope this helps,
Sattam said:
If I change from one provider to another (voda>> O2), why is it that the remaining credit (PAYG) will not be transferred over the network?
Ken replied:
Hi Sattam,
The reason for this is simply because Vodafone and O2 are different companies: since you've paid your money to Vodafone so there is no reason why O2 should honour that airtime credit. Unfortunately there isn't a mechanism whereby airtime credit can be transferred between companies: instead you'll have to use it up before switching network.
Paul said:
Hi Ken.
If I pay the charge for Vodafone to change my number, will they then give me the pac code for the number I'm changing from?
I'm doing this as I wanted to change my network to 3, but I cant afford to just buy out my Vodafone contract as there is something like 7 months left on it.
Ken replied:
Hi Pete,
As far as I'm aware, there isn't really any alternative to buying out your Vodafone contract (though you might be able to ask them to switch your existing contract onto a different number and then to release this number to Three). There shouldn't be any charge for the PAC Code itself. Apologies – I guess this probably isn't the answer you were looking for.
kirsty said:
Hey Vodafone have canncled my contract without me knowing so I want to change to O2burnt phone says sim not provisionalised? Can I still get a PAC code from Vodafone
Phone boffin replied:
Kirsty, there’s no way on earth that Vodafone or any other company will just “cancel” without you knowing.
That’s the whole reason you have a “contract” which is legally binding on both sides. The only reason they can null your service is if you’re not keeping up with payments and/or using the device/contract for things that go against the contract you agreed to.
Of course, someone may’ve impersonated you to cancel the contract, maybe even if someone else pays the bill they might have cancelled it without telling you, but as terrible as Vodafone are, they won’t “just cancel it” without good reason.
If you want to change to another service provider, just sticking a sim card into the phone may not work as the phone needs to be unlocked from some networks.
Nikkii said:
Not sure if it's been asked previously! I have taken out a new contract with vodafone and have an existing contract with them also! I would like to take my old number with me but vodafone will not do that! Can I port the number to a payg sim on another network and then port it back to Vodafone? I really don't want to lose the number! Please help?
Ken replied:
Hi Nikkii,
This should be possible – yep! However if you speak to Vodafone Customer Services and ask them to escalate the issue, I would have thought they could do this for you more easily?
micheal said:
i have a business contract with vodafone that has been up and running for a month now but i am slightly concerned that the people who had my o2 payg number are still using it is there any way i can get the calls diverted from that number to my contract as i dont keep all the one off business numbers on my phone as there are just to many numbers?!
Charlie gunner said:
Hi I’ve done the PAC code transfer from vodafone to orange but now my old phones receiving texts from orange because my numbers been swapped but my new phone is the old number and I can only ring from it and the old one receives the texts and can’t ring out. What do I do ?
Wayne said:
Great site !
I have just been given a business mobile phone (on O2) and would like to port my current Vodafone number. I would like to keep my current vodafone contract and get a new number for the vodafone contract that my wife would then use. Vodafone are saying that if I port my number they have to terminate my contract and I have to pay a termination fee. Seems mad that they can't port my number and keep the contract maintained with a new number. Vodafone seemed to struggle to understand what I was even asking for. Any suggestions?
aj270303 said:
I am currently on vodafone and still have 3 months left on my contract. i would like to get a phone from Three 3 network now so will have 2 phones running untilm my vodafone contract ends. Can i get a pack code from vodafone when my contract ends and then transfer my number to 3 a few months into the contract?.
Ken replied:
Hi there,
Yep this should be fine – you should be able to transfer your phone number over whenever you like!
Rouge said:
Hi, im going to change my networks over from orange pay as you go to vodaphone iphone. Did this pac code work?/ Anyone care to share? thanks . And how long did it take to switch
Ken replied:
Hi Rouge,
It takes up to 24 hours to change your network from Orange to Vodafone. You'll still have access to your Orange phone until the moment that the number moves over the Vodafone, so you shouldn't miss any calls/texts during that time. And yes, lots of people have done this switch – it works!
Andy said:
Hi, I am due for an upgrade with vodaphone and am after an iphone 4s which I can get for free from another supplier but on a vodaphone contract. Trouble is that I must keep my number as I use it for my business and the website are telling me that I cannot keep my number! Can I make them use my pac code to keep my number? As I said I MUST keep my number so have to be 100% sure before I commit to a new deal!
Ken replied:
Hi Andy,
I believe the proper way to go is through Vodafone as an upgrade. Obviously as an upgrading customer, that means you won't get the same deals as a new customer would. You could call Vodafone customer services and ask them to move your number between accounts (other mobile operators such as O2 can do it with ease). Worse case scenario, it's possible to port out to another network and then port back in. You can get a free SIM card for this purpose.
Hope this helps,
mazz said:
i was just wondering i had a contract just finished a week ago and im looking to get a pay as you go sim with giffgaff but i wanted to keep the same number i wanted to know do you still need to be on your contract to get your PAC code by the way i used to be on vodafone?
Ken replied:
Hi Mazz,
As long as your account is still active, there should be no problems getting your PAC Code.
Sarah W said:
Hi ken
I’m planning on moving from Orange PAYG. to Vodafone PAYG and I wish to keep my existing number which I’ve had since 2000. I understand that Vodafone will need the PAC code but wouldn’t they also need the SIM card number? Because how else are they to know which SIM to transfer it to?
Ken replied:
Hi Sarah,
Yep – let Vodafone know your PAC code and the number that you'd like to transfer over to them (though I'm sure this is uniquely linked to your PAC code anyway). You'll also need to let them know which Vodafone account to transfer it (e.g. your temporary phone number or something).
Hope this helps,
Tobster said:
Hi. Transferring in UK from 3 (PAYG) to Vodafone (Monthly).
On Vodafone Website, it says the SIM Card needs to be in the UK for the Number to be ported over.
Why is this and will it cause any problems if the SIM isnt in the UK?
Manzil said:
I had an orange contract that just finished on 23-11-2011. I have a new vodafone contract since last 3 months and the new number is active since last 3 months. Orange have issued me a pac code on request. But now because my vodafone number is already 3 months old, I wonder if I can still use the pac code and get my Orange number again. Thanks for all replies.
Linda Smith said:
i received my pac code from Vodafone, gave it to Tesco, waited a whole day. what has happened now is i can ring out but nobody can ring in or receive text. Tesco have said Vodafone have not released everything after two more days and calls to Tesco still no further on. What can i do?
Shez said:
Hi Ken, its been over a week trying to get my number ported from Vodafone to 3G. When I call people from 3G my ported number shows up to the receiver, but if they return my calls then it still comes to the Vodafone sim. Vodafone say its 3G’s fault (they have the pac code), 3G say its Vodafone’s fault (they have not released the number) who is really to blame and what can I do about it? 🙁
anna said:
I am switching number from O2 sim to vodaphone
they said i should turn off phone at 11am and turn it on at 4pm and the vodafone sim should have carried over my previous number
it is now 8.30 and it still doesn't ring when i ring it and it says 'no service'
Ken replied:
Hi Anna,
When you call your number, does it still go to your old phone? The switchover may have been delayed or something – from personal experience I find that it usually happens overnight.
bada said:
iam using Lyca Mobile and vodafone sim in spain. I want to transfer my credit to vodafone and i dont have any idea what to do. Any even Lyca Mobile customer care done not have any information regarding this. I request anyone please help me out with this.
Ken replied:
Hi bada,
Unfortunately it is not possible to transfer PAYG credit between networks: you should use it up before you switch.
Justian said:
just in the prosses of getting a business phone but would like the number of my personal phone to be the business number, so it would just be a case of swapping the numbers around. I still have 15 months on contract with O2 on my personal phone, asking for a PAC code would they require me to cancel the O2 contract.
Ken replied:
Hi Justian,
You should talk to O2 Customer Services about your request – switching phone numbers between two O2 accounts is outside the PAC Code system. This is only for number transfers between different networks.
Justian replied:
Hi Ken,
I probably wasn't that clear with my explanation. I was switching my(current) O2 Number to my(new) Voda phone, which I would need a PAC code for. I was just wondering wether requesting a PAC Code the contract would have to be cancelled, even though I would still want to keep the O2 contract, but with tthe new Voda phone number.
Ken replied:
Hi Justian,
I don't think the PAC Code legislation specifies anything along these lines… the best thing to do is to speak to O2 Customer Services and see whether it's possible to arrange. Do let us know what they say!
Gwen said:
Hi can anyone help me.. My mum has a Vodaphone pay as you go,reception is terrible so last week while in an o2 shop i got 2 sim cards(one for each of us) and wanted to top up mine but was told that i had to top up both,so i did at a cost of £20 total,however mum and i decided to not use o2 and that Tesco was offering a better deal..so i asked o2 for my pac which all went through okay but my mum has had terrible probs….1~somebody had hacked Vodaphone's site so she couldn't get her phone unlocked…..2~ o2 have ported out and recycled her sim(with £10 credit)!!!!!!! So now she is having to go to Vodaphone a get another sim card also having to top that one up!!!!! So i just wondered as they have to give you the grace of 30days to use the pac code has this been illegal? Greatly appreciate any guidance on this matter… thanks Gwen
Ken replied:
Hi Gwen,
Unfortunately when you port a number, you cannot transfer Pay As You Go credit so the £10 credit has unfortunately been forfeited. You could ask O2 to refund the £10 as a gesture of goodwill I guess, but I'm not sure they have to give it back to you. I'm not a lawyer though…
Gwen replied:
Hi Ken, Thanks for the advice but I am not bothered so much to losing the money but was it legal for O2 to port the number out when they were not asked to? I would like you to confirm this if possible. Thanks Gwen
Ken replied:
Hi Gwen,
I don't quite understand – so you asked O2 for a PAC code… did you then provide the PAC code to somebody else? If so, you asked for a port to happen; if not, no port should have occured.
Gwen said:
Can anybody help? I recently got an o2 pay as u go sim for my mother who wanted to change network from Vodaphone,I topped it up by £10 for her. She did not give her PAC code to o2 as she decided to move to Tesco(better deal for her) She then went to get her Vodaphone mobile unlocked,but unfortunately that proved impossible as somebody had hacked the network so no code could be used in order for the unlocking process to be done.The following morning she tried to make a call from her handset as she still had £10 credit but was unable to as o2 had ported her number!!!!!!! How could this have happened? Now she has been forced to get another Vodaphone sim and top it up as she lost her original balance and they cannot refund that (understandable) Has this been legal practice for o2 to have done this??????
jackson said:
i order for my pac code, from T mobile to Vodafone, and they said in the nest 2hrs that i will received it, wat is the next step for me to take after i got it cuz i need to activate my iphone4
Ken replied:
Hi Jackson,
The next step is to call up Vodafone and to provide your PAC Code to them.
Paul said:
Hi I am coming to the end of my Three contract and I was wondering if I could transfer the three number to my Vodafone contract, problem is its 12months in?
Any advise would be really apprechiated!!
Sam said:
i was on vodafone previously but changed to O2…..the o2 people said my number would activate between 10-6 today…..but so far it hasnt…..is this normal? how long does it usually take for numbers to be changed…..and how will i know? will my reception have to be at full when it happens?
Oliver said:
I currently have a O2 pay monthly that I want to cancel but keep the number. I also have an existing vodafone contract that I want to transfer the O2 number to. Is this possible and what would it involve?
Ken replied:
Hi Oliver,
Indeed this is – simply ask O2 for a PAC code and provide this to Vodafone!
Paul said:
Can anybody help. I was given a PAC code by vodaphone after 19 months of a 24 month contract, I then changed to Virgin and the transfer was fine. Vodaphone now want to bill me for the existing line rental for the 5 months that were left totaling £123. Do I have to pay this, as I know it was not explained to me at the time of PAC code request?
Ken replied:
Hi Paul,
Unfortunately there is a clause in the Vodafone contract that if you terminate early then "you must still pay all the line-rental charges until the end of the minimum period"
Vodafone Customer Services should really have informed you of this charge so you could try to appeal it to Vodafone based on that fact but unfortunately the contract does mention the charge.
Sorry Paul! 🙁
billy said:
can someone help!!???
i requested my pac code form 02 to take over from my dads old contract on vodafone. i received the code and gave it to vodafone, and my contract with 02 terminated. I put my vodafone sim in my phone but its coming up saying 'invalid sim card'. why is this? im now stuck with no phone. any info very much appreciated .
Ken replied:
Hi Billy,
Very strange, although it seems like Vodafone Customer Services are the people to talk to here.
Staceyy said:
Hi everyone, wounder if any could help me??? i have taken out a new contract on the internet (dial a phone) i was with vodafone previously but they couldnt offer a good deal on a blackberry torch so i got one through dial a phone… because its classed as a new connection although the network is still going to be vodafone, i just want to know how i would keep my exsiting number as i wouldnt need a PAC code as i am staying with the same network???
Maddie said:
Hi Ken,
I'm with Vodafone and my 12 month contract ends on middle of Feb 2011.
I will be leaving to join another network as Vodafone cannot offer me a good monthly deal on the handset I want, nor could they matched up to the offer I have seen on the internet.
I would like to keep my number. Would it be ok to buy the phone first and then provide the pac code afterwards? because I do not have my pac code yet. I'm confused as to when I should give the pac code.
At the same time, I really want to buy the phone as the offer may finish soon.
The network is with T-mobile but the phone deal is offered on mobiles.co.uk. I am not sure who I should inform about transferring my number across, I should imagine it would be T-mobile???
Hope you can help!
Many Thanks!
Ken replied:
Hi there Maddie,
Thanks for getting in touch. Yeah – you can request and use your PAC Code whenever you like – doesn't need to be at the start of your contract. So you can order your phone from T-Mobile on Mobiles.co.uk today (click here to order) but you can provide a PAC Code at a later date. So when your Vodafone contract ends, request a PAC Code from Vodafone and then provide it to T-Mobile customer services.
Hope this helps
Maddie replied:
Hi Ken,
Nice to hear from you. Many Thanks for the advice!
I have been told the PAC code has to be used within 30 days from the date it's generated or it will expire?
Ken replied:
Hi Maddie,
Yeah you are correct 🙂 From the date that the PAC Code is generated, it will be valid for 30 days. If it isn't used in that time, it will expire and you can request a new code free of charge. Presumbly by the time you request your PAC Code you should already have your new T-Mobile phone so this hopefully shouldn't affect you 🙂
Maddie replied:
Hi Ken
Thank you for the quick reply. You have been very helpful 🙂
Alan White said:
I have pay as you go on Vodafone. I know what to do to transfer the number to another phone but can I transfer the credit since I would still be on the same vodafone tarrif?
Ken replied:
Hi Alan,
Vodafone customer services might be able to do this for you if you ask them but I'm not 100% sure what their official policy is.
Nick said:
Hi Ken
I am buying a new iPhone 4 from vodafone, but keeping my existing iPhone 3 on 02 for my son to use however I'd like to transfer the existing iPhone 3 number that I use for work to the iPhone 4 and get a new number for the iPhone 3
Is this possible?
TIA nick
Ken replied:
Hi Nick,
Yep you can do that. Just transfer your number from the iPhone 3 to the iPhone 4 in the usual way (with a PAC Code described above). Then simply grab an O2 SIM Card (either Pay As You Go or "Simplicity for iPhone") for your son and put this into your iPhone 3.
For more info, see our Free Pay As You Go SIMs and O2 Simplicity for iPhone articles
Nick replied:
Many thanks for that Ken, but I forgot to mention that the 02 contract is still live for a few months yet. How would thatvwork?
Ken replied:
Good question… you want to keep the O2 contract going but you want to transfer the contract onto a new number whilst swapping your existing number to Vodafone? I don't know about that… I think O2 Customer Services might be your best bet here. Sorry, I don't know the answer to that one!
By the way, have a look through my iPhone comparison tool (launched yesterday evening)… there are a few Vodafone deals there which aren't available through the main Vodafone website. They might interest you 🙂
pepp said:
hello, im changing from vodafone to o2 and i have provided the pac code today and i am aware that it could take up to 48 hours. do i need to keep my phone off during the whole thing or can i have it on and use it?
Ken replied:
Hi pepp,
There is no need to turn your phone off during the transfer process. You can keep using your Vodafone phone/SIM card as normal until the transfer to O2 goes through. The transfer can still happen if your phone is on.
Laura said:
I gave my PAC code to Orange on Wednesday, so i'd get my number transferred from Vodafone. My number is now on my new phone with Orange, however my texts and phone calls are still going through to my Vodafone phone, is this normal?
Dawn said:
Hi there, my number ported from 3 to Vodafone a few days ago and appeared to be working finely. However, it transpired that I wasn't receiving texts and calls from a friend who is on 3. I turned my old 3 phone on and sure enough I still appear to be connected to 3! At the same time as being connected to Vodafone on the same number! Thought this would be impossible! Any advice greatly appreciated.
Steve said:
I'm transfering from vodaphone to T-mobile. Vodaphone are in the process of sending me my PAC code. Someone's told me I will lose all my contacts from my SIM card when I get the PAC code. Is this true. How can i avoid this situation?
Ken replied:
Hi Steve,
Yes, you're right. If you have any contacts saved on the Vodafone SIM card, you'll need to transfer them to your new T-Mobile SIM card. However, most phones save contacts onto the internal phone memory by default.
For more info on transferring your phone book, we have published an article here.
Hope this helps
Marta said:
Hi Im Marta. My 3 contract will end in 3 months, but Ive decided I will take another contract form vodafone because my 3 reception is terrible. I was just wondering if it is a big problem to transfer my number just after my contract finish lets say i will have 3 months vodafone number and then i will transfer my 3 number ? or can i do it while im also on 3 contract?? its all a bit confusing.
Rob said:
I’m in the process of dropping O2 because of their 500MB cap. I plan to get a Voda £20/mth iPhone SIM, cut it down to MicroSIM size and put it in the iPhone 4.
Voda ask you for the PAC code when you’re placing the order. Is this likely to cause me some downtime between them activating the code and me receiving / using the SIM?
Ken replied:
Hi Rob,
I’m not sure. If Vodafone start the porting process before you recieve your new phone/SIM there is the possibility your number could be transferred over to the new SIM whilst that SIM is still in the post. I’d give them a call and enquire.
keona replied:
my boyfriend is experiencing problems transfering from o2. the reason hes moving was the free phone he wanted. he gave them his pac coes and is still waiting 4 days later for his number to transfer, he has now been left without a phone he can use. good luck