Upgrading to a new handset or SIM card on Vodafone? You won't need a PAC Code to keep your current phone number.

Step 1: Order your new phone or SIM card from Vodafone's website

As you're staying on Vodafone, it's not necessary to obtain a PAC Code. Instead, you can process your phone number transfer internally inside of Vodafone.

Start by ordering your new phone or SIM card using the Vodafone website. Please select the type of tariff you're intending to move to:

If you're looking for a SIM card from Vodafone, the following deals from £7/month are currently most popular:

Network Data Monthly Cost
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
per month
12 month contract
Monthly cost will rise each April by £1
See deal  
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
per month
12 month contract
Monthly cost will rise each April by £1
See deal  
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
per month
12 month contract
Monthly cost will rise each April by £1
See deal  
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
per month
12 month contract
Monthly cost will rise each April by £1
See deal  
  • Unlimited mins
  • Unlimited texts
100Mbps max speed
per month
24 month contract
Monthly cost rising to
£24.80 on 1 Apr 2026
See deal  

For a full list of available tariffs and the latest Vodafone deals, please refer to this page.

Alternatively, if you're upgrading your Vodafone plan through a reseller, tap on their logo for more information:

Step 2: Contact Vodafone To Transfer Your Phone Number

After receiving your new phone or SIM card, please contact Vodafone to transfer your phone number to the new plan. You can do this by calling 191 from your Vodafone handset. Alternatively, dial 03333 040 191 from any other phone.

You can contact Vodafone at any time during their opening hours:

Monday - Friday8am - 9pm
Saturday8am - 9pm
Sunday8am - 9pm

View Latest Deals from Vodafone →

Any Other Questions?

In case of any problems during the transfer of your phone number, you should contact your new mobile network (Vodafone) with details of the problem.

If you have any other questions on using a PAC Code, please see my in-depth guide to transferring your phone number between networks. You can also read the comments below from other visitors to this website.

← Full Article: "PAC Codes - How to transfer your mobile number when switching networks"

Your Comments 1,966 so far

We'd love to hear your comments on transferring a phone number within Vodafone. The comments below are from people who've made the same transfer. You can add your own comments here.

To view all 1966 comments about transferring a phone number, please visit the main PAC Code article.

  • Anthea Williams said:

    Hi Ken I hope you can advise me. I have bought a new phone through Mobiles.co.uk. I am leaving Vodaphone and have been given PAC number. The network for the new phone is again Vodaphone. Could you explain to me the procedure for keeping my number using the PAC code as seems convoluted. Many thanks

    • Hi Anthea,
      Thanks for your comment. Technically speaking, you would have signed up again as a new Vodafone customer via Mobiles.co.uk, as opposed to an upgrading as an existing Vodafone customer. Therefore, you may need to transfer out to another network, before moving your phone number from that network back to Vodafone. You can order a free Pay As You Go SIM card for this purpose (e.g. from giffgaff) and follow the step-by-step instructions in our PAC Code Finder.
      Hope this helps,

    • There is an additional problem with a phone locked to Vodafone if you want to make this trick: Vodafone PAC>giffgaffPAC>Vodafone.It’s necessary to unlock the phone first.

  • Hi Ken,
    I would be so grateful if you or anyone can help with this scenario I am experiencing with Vodafone. I am changing my contract provider (from Vodafone to mobiles.co.uk) but keeping the same network provider (currently Vodafone). I have spent over 2 hours simply asking for them to cancel my contract with them and provide me with a pac code so I am able to keep my number and use my new phone but they have told me I will need to see out my 30 day cancellation period and only then can I apply, using a form from Vodafone, for my pac code. After submitting this ‘form’ I will then have to wait further for them to issue me with the pac code. They have refused to issue me with a pac code now and have told me I will not be able to use my current sim in my new phone so I cannot use my new phone until after this 30 day period. During this conversation, which was in a Vodafone chat so I have been able to print the full discussion, they obviously tried to make me stay with them by offering a more costly contract (but so much better because going with a third party will cause me no end of problems) and I point blank refused. They continued with this line of pressure sell or the world will blow up many times after I said no. It was then they refused to give me a pac code number. Is this standard practice if you are staying with the same network but different contract provider or can I simply text 65075 and do it that way without being blackmailed from a sales advisor because I don’t want to renew my contract with them? I like the Vodafone network coverage but not them as a provider as I have had serious problems from with my sons contract that ended up with a higher authority so as a contract provider, they are appalling.
    Thankyou for any help

    • Hi Lorraine,
      Thanks for your comment. Unfortunately, networks like Vodafone really don’t like you to sign up for their subsidised “new customer deals” on retailers like Mobiles.co.uk. This is because they make a lot less money from them, and they have to pay out a commission to the other retailer for acquiring a new customer (which they believe they already own the relationship with). This is the reason they aren’t offering you the same deal through their direct upgrades channel.
      Sadly, the PAC Code process and all of the legal entitlements around that only apply when you’re moving from one mobile network to another. It doesn’t apply to upgrades or tariff changes on the same network. One way to get around this is by porting out to another network, and then immediately back in from that network to Vodafone. You can get a free Pay As You Go SIM card (e.g. from ASDA Mobile) for that purpose. With text to switch, it should actually be fairly straightforward to do this, as you just need to send a text message on each network. Unless you do that, your only other option is asking Vodafone to move you over internally, but it sounds like they’re not very keen to play ball…

  • Natasha Kingham said:

    I have a Vodafone payg account but I want to change it to a monthly business account and keep my number. How do I do that?

    • Hi Natasha,
      Thanks for your comment. There are two ways you really do this:
      (1) You can port your phone number out to a free Pay As You Go SIM card on a different mobile network. Once you’ve done that, you can port your phone number back in to your Vodafone Business contract.
      (2) If you want to avoid doing that, you should get in touch with Vodafone Customer Services to see if they’re able to do it for you directly. Unfortunately, I’m not quite sure how it works for consumer plan to business plan transfers, so this is probably something you’ll need to discuss directly with them. Generally, for a consumer plan to consumer plan transfer, this should be pretty straightforward (albeit, you might not be able to get the full range of new customer deals).
      Hope this helps,

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