How you cancel your Virgin Media service depends on whether you're moving to another provider. Find out about the cancellation process and about any exit fees that might apply.
If you’d like to cancel your Virgin Media Broadband service, there are several ways to do this. It depends on whether you’re changing to a different broadband provider, whether you’re moving to another address or whether you’re cancelling for an entirely different reason.
In this article, we’ll explain how you can cancel your Virgin Media Broadband service and any exit fees that might apply when you end your Virgin Media service. We’ll also look at some alternatives to cancelling such as improving your wi-fi network coverage and speeds or adding an extra line from a different provider.
How To Cancel Your Virgin Media Broadband Service
The way you cancel your Virgin Media service depends on which of the following situations you’re in:
- I’m changing to another broadband provider
You'll need to cancel your Virgin Media service at the same time as signing up for your new provider. - I’m moving to a different address
You can use Virgin Media’s home move process to take your Virgin Media Broadband service to another address. - I’m cancelling Virgin Media Broadband for another reason
You’ll need to use Virgin Media’s standard cancellation process which involves giving them a call.
A different cancellation process applies for cancelling your Virgin Mobile service.
Changing Broadband Provider
Please select your new broadband provider from the dropdown menu below for step-by-step instructions on how to switch:
Switch from Virgin Media to a new broadband provider
If you're changing another broadband provider, you'll need to contact Virgin Media to let them know. You'll need to go through their standard cancellation process as this won't be done for you when you sign up to your new provider.
Your new ISP | Can you switch without speaking to Virgin Media? |
Moving from Virgin Media to BT Broadband | ✘ You'll need to contact Virgin Media as well as signing up to BT Broadband |
Moving from Virgin Media to Community Fibre | ✘ You'll need to contact Virgin Media as well as signing up to Community Fibre |
Moving from Virgin Media to EE Broadband | ✘ You'll need to contact Virgin Media as well as signing up to EE Broadband |
Moving from Virgin Media to Hyperoptic | ✘ You'll need to contact Virgin Media as well as signing up to Hyperoptic |
Moving from Virgin Media to John Lewis Broadband | ✘ You'll need to contact Virgin Media as well as signing up to John Lewis Broadband |
Moving from Virgin Media to NOW Broadband | ✘ You'll need to contact Virgin Media as well as signing up to NOW Broadband |
Moving from Virgin Media to Plusnet | ✘ You'll need to contact Virgin Media as well as signing up to Plusnet |
Moving from Virgin Media to Shell Energy Broadband | ✘ You'll need to contact Virgin Media as well as signing up to Shell Energy Broadband |
Moving from Virgin Media to Sky Broadband | ✘ You'll need to contact Virgin Media as well as signing up to Sky Broadband |
Moving from Virgin Media to TalkTalk | ✘ You'll need to contact Virgin Media as well as signing up to TalkTalk |
Moving from Virgin Media to Three Broadband | ✘ You'll need to contact Virgin Media as well as signing up to Three Broadband |
Moving from Virgin Media to Vodafone | ✘ You'll need to contact Virgin Media as well as signing up to Vodafone |
A different cancellation process applies for cancelling your Virgin Mobile service.
Moving Home
If you’re moving home, it might be possible to transfer your broadband package through Virgin Media’s home move service. They’ll set up a broadband service for you at your new address and your existing contract will be moved over.
Please note that the services and download speeds available at your new address may be different to those at your current address. You should be told about this before you transfer your service over. If you’re unable to get a Virgin Media service at your new address, you'll still be liable for paying the regular termination charge.
Other Reasons
If you’re cancelling your broadband service for any other reason, you’ll need to contact Virgin Media to cancel your service. You’ll need to pay an early termination charge if you’re still within the minimum term of your contract with Virgin Media.
Early Exit Fees on Virgin Media
If you’re a Virgin Media customer, you can cancel your contract subject to an initial 30-day notice period where you’ll pay full fees, followed by an early disconnection fee to take you to the end of your contract period. The early disconnection fee is as follows:
Virgin Media Broadband Plan | Early Termination Charge |
M50 Broadband | £30.54 per remaining month |
M100 Broadband | £35.52 per remaining month |
M100 Broadband with Oomph | £32.20 per remaining month |
M200 Broadband | £40.50 per remaining month |
M200 Broadband with Oomph | £37.18 per remaining month |
M350 Broadband | £45.48 per remaining month |
M500 Broadband | £50.46 per remaining month |
Gig1 Broadband | £49.98 per remaining month |
If you have other Virgin Media services such as home phone and TV, your early disconnection fees will be higher and will be listed on this page.
The Early Disconnection Fee is capped at a maximum of £240 across all of your Virgin Media services. You’ll need to return all of the kit provided to you by Virgin including your Virgin TV V6 box and your Hub 3 or Hub 4 home broadband router.
To cancel your Virgin Media services, you can contact Virgin Media on 0345 454 1111 or through a page on their website.
If you have a Virgin Mobile handset or SIM card, see our guide on how to cancel your Virgin Mobile service.
In some cases, it might be possible to cancel your Virgin Media service without paying an early cancellation fee. You can do this if the speed of your broadband connection is slower than the minimum guaranteed download speed you were quoted when you signed up to the service. Alternatively, it might also be possible if Virgin Media were to increase your charges by more than the amount stated when you signed up for your plan.
There are several alternatives to cancelling your Virgin Media Broadband service:
If you’re suffering from poor download speeds, this might be due to your wi-fi network instead of the broadband connection itself. It’s worth making sure before you cancel your broadband service – simply attach a wired device like a laptop to your Virgin Media hub using an Ethernet cable. You can improve your home wi-fi network performance with a wi-fi repeater or mesh networking solution such as BT Whole Home Wi-Fi or Google Wi-Fi.
- If you’d like an additional broadband line, you can also sign up to Three Broadband or an Openreach-based provider like BT, Sky and TalkTalk without cancelling your current Virgin Media service. This will allow you to benefit from having an additional broadband service without the need to cancel your Virgin Media service. You can also avoid paying an early termination fee to Virgin Media.
- If you’re moving home, it might be possible to take your Virgin Media connection with you. See Virgin Media's home mover web page for more information.
More Information
For more information, see our guide on how to cancel your broadband service. Alternatively, see the official Virgin Media website for more information on how to cancel your Virgin Media service.
Anton said:
The best way to get through to Virgin media to cancel your contract is to call the missed payment team. Their number is 0800 052 0360 (freephone so wont cost you 30p a minute and they don’t keep you on hold for an hour). Tell them you are having difficulty paying and you want to cancel your contract. I has to make a one off payment for the final 30 days of my contract before being transferred to the cancellations team without being on hold for hours. Virgin media don’t want you to know this as it bypasses their 0345 number so they cant make money out for you by being on hold for ages.
K replied:
This is really helpful mate. I will give it a go. It’s a nightmare getting through to them the normal way.
J replied:
Thanks! Top tip using that freephone number. Got through to someone straight away to confirm my cancellation.
Iain replied:
Anton, you’re a legend!
Cancelled VM within 5 mins! Woohoo!
Admittedly they still managed to rip me off with an additional £7.50 payment – apparently the 30 day notice has to be 30 days on the nose (they wouldn’t accept it a few days early and due to their bad messaging service I was a day late getting through to appropriate person – probably would have been several days without your tip) so they are charging me an extra day (a final slap to the face) but good riddance to Virgin Media 🙂
Note: I have screengrabs of chat so will make an official complaint about extra charge
S replied:
Just tried this & automator said theyve changed numbers now
Joana said:
I’m new in virgin but I want cancel the tv service
It is possible? Because is the worst
Ken replied:
Hi Joana,
Thanks for your comment. Are you still within the 14 day cooling off period with Virgin Media? If so, I’d recommend getting in touch with them ASAP to cancel your contract within the 14 day period.
June said:
I had Virgin package installed on 12 October but the phone line never worked I have tried phoning many times with no answer I have made complaints by email and received only confirmation. The service is non existent therefore I would now like to cancel. My first direct debit is due in a couple of days can I cancel it?
Ken replied:
Hi June,
Thanks for your comment, and sorry to hear about the issues you’ve had with Virgin Media. I’d recommend making a formal complaint in writing to Virgin Media here through their website. That’s likely to be the best way of getting the issue resolved.
I wouldn’t recommend cancelling your Direct Debit with them. If you do, they’ll still try to pursue you for the money and may add a record of the missed payment to your credit files.